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Comment Ice Moved to Antarctic? (Score 1) 757

In other News, the Ice at the Antarctic is experiencing record highs. What's ironic is the Global Warming Fanatic Alarmists only point out what furthers their agenda: On NOES the ice is melting!1!!!1 ... wait ... don't look behind the curtain ... don't pay attention to the ice that is growing at the other pole ... don't look there ... don't pull back THAT curtain ... we only want to ALARM people to further our Agenda. Seriously ... the earth warms ... the earth cools ... this is somehow news? Worse yet is we have very little to no control over it, and what control we think we have might end up doing more harm then good. Can you imagine allowing these nut cases to fly off the handle and try to seriously influence the temperature of the earth with some hair brained scheme? When you look at the state of the billions of people in the "3rd World" countries and forecast what impact they "might" have on the global climate and the realization to "Save the Planet" (as the nut cases so speak) means literally imposing martial law on those billions you quickly come to the realization that all this is little more then "tilting at windmills". Absolutely astounding at how many smart people out there that are so dumb with regards to the reality of the situation.

Comment Re:And this is news? (Score 1) 668

Your just a little naive aren't you? You need to dig deeper into how the cash all works. Politics, both on a national level, as well as at the organizational level has more impact then you realize. Just need to follow the money ... that is if you REALLY want to know what is going on. Then again, you just may be happy eating sausage and are not the type to take the time to actually FULLY understand how it's made :-)

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