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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 3 declined, 0 accepted (3 total, 0.00% accepted)


Submission + - Military Documents Hold Tips on Antiwar Activities

HomelessInLaJolla writes: "From the this-is-how-we-do-it department:

"An antiterrorist database used by the Defense Department in an effort to prevent attacks against military installations included intelligence tips about antiwar planning meetings held at churches, libraries, college campuses and other locations, newly disclosed documents show."

Reading the article further finds that many of the antiwar planning meetings are common church services, church sponsored discussion meetings, or student organized events on college campuses to distribute educational literature promoting peace and well-rounded understanding of the situations and circumstances surrounding modern day conflicts. There's no mention in the article if any of the meetings were disrupted due to action taken by local authorities prompted by contact from the defense department or from the defense department directly as a result of the entries inclusion in the military database named Talon.

When questioned about the entries, Daniel J. Baur, the acting director of the counterintelligence field activity unit responded,"I don't want it, we shouldn't have had it, not interested in it...I don't want to deal with it." That summarizes the common response all of government presents when faced with a situation in which it is responsible for a grave error or a gross overextension of its proper authority."

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