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Journal Journal: BBC Says Don't Upgrade to Vista.

Tim Weber, BBC Business editor, described his Vista upgrade ordeal and warns users not to do it. The Vista Upgrade Advisor underestimated what he needed, it took him more than three hours, cost more than $200 in new parts, broke his web cam and pocket PC and left him with an unstable system. The vendors tell him there will be no drivers and that he should have bought new devices long ago. He summarizes the end result:


Worm Exploiting Solaris Telnetd Vulnerability 164

MichaelSmith writes "Several news sites are reporting that a worm is starting to exploit the Solaris Telnet 0-day vulnerability. By adding simple text to the Telnet command, the system will skip asking for a username and password. If the systems are installed out of the box, they automatically come Telnet-enabled. 'The SANS Internet Storm Center, which monitors Internet threats, has noticed some increase in activity on the network port used by Solaris' telnet feature, according to an ISC blog posted on Tuesday. "One hopes that there aren't that many publicly reachable Solaris systems running telnet," ISC staffer Joel Esler wrote.'"

Submission + - Music Downloads Don't Decrease Album Sales

DocForbin writes: Koleman Strumpf, Koch Professor of Economics at The University of Kansas, and Felix Oberholzer-Gee of Harvard University analyzed millions of music downloads from 2002. Their Conclusion: "Downloads have an effect on sales that is statistically indistinguishable from zero." The findings, initially published in 2004, faced heavy criticism. After re-analyzing the data, Strumpf and Oberholzer-Gee defended their conclusions again in the Feb. 14 issue of the Journal of Political Economy.

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