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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 9 declined, 2 accepted (11 total, 18.18% accepted)


Submission + - James Hansen and Political Bias

tiqui writes: Investor's Business Daily reports on ties between George Soros and James Hansen. I tend to believe that when somebody funds a person in the political spotlight he does it because they both support or believe the same things, and not because he is twisting the message by buying the messenger. Many people, however, believe that financial backers are buying results and recipients should be considered to be bought-and-paid-for and their work discarded as biased because of that support. For people who believe the latter and condemn recipients of "big oil" money, or gun lobby money, or defense contractor money, it may be time to explain why somebody accepting help from George Soros is not presumed to be influenced by HIS agenda.

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