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Comment 9 States automatically increased (Score 4, Informative) 778

Um, yeah, talk about misleading.

"Nine of the 13 states increased their minimum wages automatically in line with inflation: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oregon, Vermont and Washington. Four more states - Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and Rhode Island - approved legislation mandating the increase"

Correlation really does not indicate causality when you read the entire article. North Dakota has an oil boom, which is spiking employment. Ohio still grew, despite a MW of $7.95. The whole complaint by the CBO was that jobs would be lost if MW was increased to $10.10 across the ENTIRE COUNTRY. In these 13 states, most are no where close to $10.10/hr.

Comment Recycle The Spam (Score 1) 338

Note to junk mailers: I use your mailings to start my evening fire-circle fire. They never get read. Ever.

Apparently someone is opening and reading the junk, and replying, or the junk mailers would not continue paying for it. But who are these people? Do you honestly think that the mostly-unmarked mail from an address you don't know, with URGENT being the only anything but junk mail?

Comment Creative Counting (Score 1) 723

Sure, you can believe them that 7.5 million have enrolled. It comes down to how you define 'enrolled', which the government defines as "someone put an insurance choice in their electronic kart." That would be like CDW saying they sold 100,000 LaserJet printers, just because someone placed one into their basket. The reality is that that majority of the insurance plans placed into the insurance basket was never completed. And of those that did complete the process, many never paid their first premium, which ultimately gives us a much smaller number of ACTUALLY INSURED people via ObamaCare.

And how many are actually paying and thus covered? Less than 1 million.

Comment Re:The pitchfork or the codefork (Score 1) 99

At first, it as purely anti-beta. But Dice's response to censor posts and ignore community opinion has made the problem anti-Dice. They seem to have no clue about PR, or nerds, or even effective web page design. Taking queues from for how to design your own web site a Bad Thing (tm).

Dice seems determined to go forward with new UI, regardless of community opinion, so the time has come for the codefork.

Comment Necessary evil of doing business (Score 1) 287

I feel sorry for the 15,000 workers about lose their job, Dell is walking a thin line and Michael wants to make sure that the company that bears his name stays around. Dell has become a bloated pig and unfocused. They are also not responding to customers demands where they should and expanding into markets that support their core strengths.

Comment No one is forcing them to work there (Score 1) 606

Unless Amazon has injected their workers against their will, no one is forcing these people to work there. They knew what they were signing up for, agreed to the contract and now begin to complain that "its just not fair, we want more money."

Tough noogies. You signed a contract, you accepted the wage. Quit and work somewhere else if you are so ungrateful to have a paying job.

Comment The Not-So-Green Generation (Score 1) 331

I expected more from this age group. With all of the awareness of shrinking natural resources, why anyone would choose printed books and their inherent danger to the environment. But, who cares that trees are cut down, thus adding to global warming, as long as I can have the feel and smell in my hands.

I expected more of this new generation.

Comment Re:What it will be used for... (Score 1) 178

Electric Cars are to blame for Tax-By-Distance. Electric Cars don't pay petrol taxes. As more electric cars hit the road, taxes collected from petrol will keep going down, as the number of cars total continues to rise. Electric car drivers think they are getting a free pass, but they are about to get a rude awakening once the governments figure out a tax them equally. Roads are not free. They cost a lot of money to build and maintain, and those fat pigs called Electric Cars weighing as much as an SUV do as much damage to the roads SUVs.

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