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Comment Re:Needed to stop anyway (Score 1) 153

Some of it is based on the morality laws in the country. What's acceptable around sex and violence varies from country to country. Companies like Steam (as well as the publishers on Steam) have to play ball if they want to be able to operate in that region. So you'll get some countries where you can have all the tits you want, but all that blood needs to be green. Or you can show the nude insides of someone, but not nudes of the outside of the body.

Some small time indie version of Steam could probably just go global and say "fuck you" to all the morality laws of all the countries on Earth, but there's no way Steam could get away with it.

I would love to see a free-for-all Steam, but while we have our current IP laws, geoblocking will be here to stay, unfortunately.

Comment Re:not their fault (Score 1) 221

I asked for a link because you can say anything you want, but just saying it doesn't make it true. You have to provide evidence of why you're right.

But the article you provide doesn't provide the evidence you thought it would. From your Wikipedia article (emphasis mine):

Censorship ( Latin censura) is a restrictive procedure of usually government agencies in order to mass media to control or in the personal transport mediated.

Usually does not mean always, which is what you're trying to say.

So the Catholic Church established its ban heretical writings

The Catholic Church is a religious organization, not a government.

Just take a look at the Motion Picture Association of America. When it was first started, it was led by Will H Hays, and he was not in the government at that time. He was censoring based on the perceived offensiveness of content.

Either one. Censor is both a noun and a verb.

The pressure to censor media comes from many different places. Government is one. Religious organizations are definitely another, as well as independent organizations (such as the MPAA).

If you're editing to remove "offensive" content, then you are censoring (you can be both an editor and a censor, they're not exclusive). If you're editing to correct grammar, spelling, sentence flow, etc., then you're just editing. Schizophrenia has nothing to do with it.

Here's an example of censorship not done by a government body. You ever play The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time? In the Fire Temple, Nintendo had originally put in some background chanting. However, the chanting was apparently sampled from an Islamic prayer. In the fear that it would offend Islamic people, Nintendo removed the chanting (see

Or how about Dragon Ball? In Japan, where casual nudity and sex isn't quite the big deal it is in the US, several images and scenes from censored. A list of examples are found at

Comment Re:not their fault (Score 1) 221

So instead of providing an actual link, you just decided to call me wrong and not provide any additional information. The burden of proof is on you as I've provided two links and you've provided no links. I haven't seen anything that indicates that "censor" means something different outside of the US, but I'm called "narrow-minded" when I ask you to provide evidence.

Comment Re:not their fault (Score 1) 221

Nope, my English is just fine. I used "censor" since you don't fully understand what the word means. Don't just take my word for it. Wikipedia agrees as well (emphasis mine). If you have a counter resource, please provide it.


"Censorship is the suppression of speech or other public communication which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by a government, media outlet or other controlling body.

Governments, private organizations, and individuals may engage in censorship.

Comment Re:not their fault (Score 1) 221

You'll want to review the meaning of "censoring". Non-government entities can censor. No where in the definition does it state that it has to be a government that censors.

censor noun \sen(t)-sr\

: a person who examines books, movies, letters, etc., and removes things that are considered to be offensive, immoral, harmful to society, etc.

Comment It's rainy and cloudy in the tech job market here (Score 1) 506

The tech job market out here is not great at the moment. There were a lot of layoffs that were publicized in 2008, and companies like Microsoft took some flak for it. They've smartened up and have been slowly downgrading their workforce (basically laying off or firing people, then hiring replacements on contract at lower prices). From personal experience, this has been Microsoft and another company that I worked at.

This has a left a LOT of people unemployed. I've been unemployed for about two months now, and I've gotten a couple of bites, but nothing that's panned out. It's extremely competitive and even with a top-notch resume you may not get a second look

Don't just take my word for it, though. Look at this article from The Stranger (

"in Washington State, there are 22 job seekers for every job opening that would pay a living wage to a one-worker, four-person household, according to the report."

It doesn't help that the real estate market is insane. Apparently everyone who lives here is expected to be a Microsoft VP if you don't want non-ghetto housing.

I wish you luck.

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