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Comment Re:How does one prevent this ? (Score 3, Informative) 120

The IP is not the only way to identify a browser.

try this link and cry:
how unique is your browser

I talk smart, but my nerd resolution of 2400x1920 gives 15 bits of identifying identification, and firefiox ESR give 10.

"Your browser fingerprint appears to be unique among the 3,665,195 tested so far."

in fact disabling cookies makes your browser more unique. Add the timezone, the fonts, the plugins and your browser quickly becomes more and more unique.

Comment Re:I guess I'll see (Score 1) 156

GW2 grind is souldcrushingly long and tedious, as the game not only has far more grind than WoW ever it, it does the grind in a massively boring way, just like GW1 did. You just repeat the same small subset of actions in the same place all over and over and over and over again. I absolutely love their art, which is by far the best in the industry, but gameplay was remarkably boring after a few hours with very little depth and grind was just soul crushing. And I say this as someone who played GW1 for years, where best form of farm was running two instances with a solo build that could be (and widely was) botted.

What are you talking about ? All my guild was unanimous when they said that the leveling in GW2 was the coolest one they've seen in a MMO for a long time. And that was the same for me. The levels came to me like nothing, I just traveled in a beautiful world and I even posted scrrenshots, a thing that I never do usualy. And one day I was 80.
But nothing stops you from camping a place and doing the same stuff if you want to, just like IRL.

GW2 was the most refreshing MMO I've played in a long time.

Comment Re:Not much worry with a source build (Score 1, Interesting) 472

I can't help but feel scared by this SELINUX thing. You can tell me a hundred time that the code was reviewed (was it ?) I still won't trust it. I'd like to be sure that just disabling it altogether is enough to stop it completely from....I don't know, opening backdoor ? Cmon, NSA code in the kernel ?

Comment Re:This is also the case on Firefox (Score 1) 482

I use this program, but still too many pages (or applications) are not compatible with it, I ended using it more like a notepad and/or password generator, which is already a good thing btw. I'm really surprised that this problem (of password multiplication/length) is not taken more seriously by web administrators and that they don't allow more 3rd party software to be used more eficiently as password managers.

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