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Submission + - The whirling machines replicating our DNA (strangepaths.com)

xantox writes: "Using computer animation based on current molecular research it is now possible to see how "the book of life" is actually copied in living cells. This animation shows the outstanding "assembly line" of molecular machines, which pull apart the DNA double helix at the speed of a jet engine, and output a copy of each strand. About 1000 nucleotides are synthetized each second, with less than one error per billion. One strand is copied continuously, while the other is copied backwards in loops, one section at a time. The end result is two new DNA molecules."

Comment Re:Celestia image (Score 3, Interesting) 133

An actual photo of an eclipse was taken from the moon, by the Surveyor 3 mission in 1967. I made an artificial color version of it, showing the red color refracted from Earth atmosphere (coming from all simultaneous sunrises and sunsets) at http://strangepaths.com/total-lunar-eclipse/2007/0 2/27/en/ (click on "Eclipse seen from the moon" to open the image).

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