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Comment Re:Yeah, if DirectX 9 had been around and not evol (Score 4, Informative) 138

You are only taking information that goes the cynical sens you want to give to your comment. Perhaps you should take the date of february 2007. The date of the release of the Direct3D 10 sdk. And then, taking into account some transition months to use this sdk, you see that games using this version is *only* 6 years old (And I'm pretty sure that games using this version was out 1 or 2 years after!). So, for those that are not fanatics and don't absolutely need the LAST games, that should be a first good step!

Comment Re:Simple explanation (Score 2) 374

One of the big problem of these false numbers given by the manufacturers for fuel consumption is that these numbers are directly linked to CO2 emissions. And lots of governments give ecological aids when a car emit few CO2. So, with low (false) numbers manufacturers obtain ecological aids for expensive cars that emit in fact a lot of CO2! A these aids are paid with everybody taxes. So the poor pays taxes for rich people buying big polluting cars where aids should encourage to buy smaller ecological cars!

Comment Re:Toto...?! (Score 1) 232

In fact, in france, "toto" means some differents things... - We have "toto" jokes which is quite similar to your Little Johnny jokes http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blague_de_Toto .It's very common jokes we all tell when we're young, very simple, naives,... - in computer science, we use "toto" to name all the things "useless" where a name is required (variables in hello word programs, debug display, sometimes --secured :) -- login and password,...)

Comment Trick (Score 1) 382

I'm surprised nobody notify that Microsoft have submitted some times ago a lot of their test used to develop IE9. So all these tests are passed by IE9 and sometimes not the other browsers. That's why IE9 passed so much tests... But I think that globally (for all the HTML5 requirements), IE9 is still behind...

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