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Comment Re:Wow manually edit configuration files. (Score 1) 223

I had a chuckle at the "manually edit" part, as well.

The fact is, editing by its vary nature is manual, so the modifier is redundant. The shopping list or letter to grandma in Word, or the one-liner email in Gmail are all manually written and manually edited.

If you've ever worked any sort of support you'd understand that a solid 95% of the American public are terrified to edit anything they didn't write themselves. I completely agree that it's very similar to editing that grocery list, and this would even come with directions!

However, there is a funny thing about directions given to the average person. If they get above 4 or 5 steps (this includes mouse clicks), people see too much and get overwhelmed immediately. I am so blessed as to spend my day job supporting a service force who have been given their own laptops for the last 12 years. I still get many calls every day from technicians (who spend their days disassembling and repairing printers) saying they can't follow a 5 step process for loading firmware into said device.

My favorite ever feedback was "You think in too many steps, please simplify this." The moral of the story is... if there's more than 3, even mouse clicks are hard.

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