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Comment Re:Makes sense (Score 1) 372

Many things seem contradictory until we understand them better. Light behaves like both a particle and a wave. I wouldn't expect the creator to be any less complex and intriguing than the things He created. How much of the Bible have you read? There are many parts that I don't understand and many that I dislike, but if you read it as a whole, it's a good way to get to know God. The New Testament especially yields a good portrait of his character. Studying nature is another good way to learn about its creator, and it never ceases to amaze me.

Comment Makes sense (Score 1) 372

This is one topic where the biblical perspective makes a lot of sense. Since we were designed by a loving creator, it makes sense that we have a built-in reluctance to harm each other. Unfortunately, since we chose to do things our way instead of following his original design, our sinful nature all too often overrides his original programming like a computer virus. Fortunately, our creator offers a way to overcome this - sort of like a software update - through Jesus. Incidentally, here's an article discussing the results of another study of the physical-moral connection from a biblical perspective: http://www.reasons.org/articles/does-human-morality-arise-from-brain-chemistry That site also has a lot of other articles discussing scientific topics from a biblical perspective (and the Bible from a scientific perspective) that may interest my fellow slashdotters.

Comment What took so long? (Score 2) 585

64 years is a pretty long time for the general public to wait (if they ever even cared), but I seriously doubt it had anything to do with information control. I don't know about the other scrolls, but many ancient manuscripts, both original Hebrew as well as Greek translations, of the book of Isaiah have been available for study since long before the Dead Sea manuscript was found. The DSS only corroborated the manuscripts found earlier. Actually, the fact that there are so many manuscripts and fragments of manuscripts that agree so closely with one another does two things: it helps to validate the accuracy of the completed text, and it effectively eliminates the possibility of any one party controlling the information content of the manuscripts. For those interested, this Wikipedia article has a nice summary of some of the manuscripts: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biblical_manuscript

Comment Wishing and hoping and praying (Score 1) 453

Maybe Blizzard will take this extra time to reevaluate releasing a purposely crippled game for their loyal fans and decide enable LAN gaming. Maybe they'll even decide to let players use all the races they pay for instead of instead of selling them one game for the price of three. Any more miracles to wish for while we're at it?

Comment Re:Three Games, Three Campaigns (Score 1) 737

This makes me angry. I've been looking forward to this game for YEARS, but i now have 2 big reasons to avoid it: no LAN support and 1 game for the price of 3. It seems to me that Blizzard has become too greedy for their own good. Maybe WoW has made them so much money that they think any project has to have similar returns to be of value. Blizzard has historically done well because they've made excellent games, but it looks to me like they're shooting themselves in the foot this time.

Comment Value of life (Score 1) 921

It may have to do with a person's belief regarding the value of life. If a person believes that human life has value and purpose given by its creator, that person might fight harder to preserve life than someone who believes that life is the result of random chance and has no inherent value or purpose.

Comment Don't get caught on nomenclature (Score 1) 261

I don't think anyone could label these cells "embryonic" because they were made to resemble embryonic cells. They didn't come from mouse embryos; they came from adult skin cells. That being said, I don't know why anyone would have ethical objections to adapting this technique to human cells. I am firmly opposed to any operation that harms humans at any stage of development, but since no adult person would be seriously harmed by the harvesting of their skin cells, I say this looks like a useful advance in science.

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