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Comment Re:Analog Science Fiction & Fact (Score 2) 285

I've been trying to maintain an e-subscription to to Analog for some time now, mostly because I've run out of room for books in my hose and I've reached the point where, for every paper book that comes into the house, I need to find a book to throw out. It has been an exercise in frustration. e-subscriptions are handled by independent businesses, not by the publisher (as paper ones seem to be). And they've been closing one after another. First fictionwise closed, apparently subsumed by Barnes & Noble, which sells only within the US. I switch to Sony despite their reputation with rootkits. Then the Sony reader drops my subscription so I have to resubscribe, and a few months later the reader store closes to North American subscribers. They've handed over their customers to Kobo, which in OK for books (I read my books on a Kobo device anyway), but they abandoned their magazine subscribers. Kobo, on the other hand, treats Analog like most epublishers treat magazines, that is, as throwaway items. They even delete your magazines as a service when they're a certain number of months old. I'm told it's possible to take some action to keep them around longer, but I have no idea what that is.

Not to mention the ever-present DRM.

Publishers need to get their act together if e-publication is to work for readers. Tor and Baen seem to have figured it out. Few others.

Comment Athabasca University (Score 1) 84

Athabasca University is a leader in distance education in Canada. Have a look at http://www.athabascau.ca/

They have tutors on-line, by email. I once met one of their tutors, answering students' question part-time while he was working full-time as a programmer in Montreal, which is the other end of the country from Athabasca. Yes, the tutors are actual practitioners, and may be anywhere on the net.

You might find it to your liking. Check out the cours listing and see if it's what you're looking for.

-- hendrik

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