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Comment Re:Expect more of the same (Score 1) 383

Except is pretty damn hard to get rid of ads after jailbreaking (the iDevices at least). It would appear the jailbreak developers also make money off ads and they really try hard to stop you from blocking them. One iOS app for jailbroken phones (SBSettings) refuses to have its settings changed if you have messed with your hosts file. Bastards. At least they don't rm -rf the device like some android developers have threatened to do.

Comment Re:If I recall..... (Score 1) 333

All that's being said in this whole article (and despite numerous confusing explanations below) is that you couldn't transmit quantum bits the same way you can transmit normal bits. This seemed to be an essential barrier to quantum computing, until this "teleportation" mechanism of transmitting bits was created.


This "quantum teleportation" has a PREREQUISITE that for every quantum bit you send you also need to send some REGULAR bits via regular slower-than-light communication. Therefore

***Quantum teleportation just means sending quantum data at regular slower-or-equal-to-light speeds***

Comment Re:Methinks people don't appreciate the scales her (Score 1) 299

Puttering along at near-light-speed in a universe 14 billion light years across would only remind you of how isolated we really are.

The closer you travel to light speed, the more that distance will shrink for you, so that given sufficient energy you will be able to make the trip in an arbitrarily small amount of time as viewed by yourself.

This message brought to you by special relativity. It's the LAW

Comment iOS piracy (Score 1) 184

I am actually quite amazed that iOS piracy is so unchecked and that no servers have been seized. Once jailbroken, any app is available malware free off one site that self-polices and pretty much everyone trusts.

What's happening is that 1) in general apple users are willing to pay for stuff; 2) jailbreaking is a greater hurdle to overcome than sideloading; and as a result there is a lower iOS piracy rate and more profit for developers.

Comment Mark my words: Diablo 3 will be the paradigm (Score 4, Informative) 464

DRM is so old school my friend. Diablo 3 showed us that people will pay for a single-player game where only the art is on the client and the code runs on the server. Fast forward ten years: computing and bandwidth will be much cheaper and more powerful and the whole thing will be transparent to nearly everyone.

Diablo 3 will be the model for making people buy games.

Comment Re:MOAR Mars Rovers FTW!!1 (Score 0, Troll) 411

Given a finite pot of money (say $2.5B), we could have done truly new things.

Why did have to go back to Mars for the nth time with yet another rover when we could visit Europa instead which is COVERED IN WATER and probably liquid beneath.

The reason we didn't was (1) a bunch of vested interests and (2) fear that it would have been a harder sell to congress. This is the source of our stagnation.

Comment Different for games (Score 1) 360

Diablo 3 shows that there is one area where piracy will lose substantially: games. All code will be run server side, and only art will be on the client. This doesn't kill piracy but it does prevent the majority of it as most people don't want to deal with pirate created servers.

Same for any other interactive content.

Comment Feature chrome doesn't have: (Score 2) 665

Open all bookmarks and links in a new tab, except those linking to the current domain.

It's a feature of Tab Mix Plus, FF-only extension. Amazing for auto-generating tabs usefully. Impossible on Chrome.

If Tab Mix Plus comes to Chrome, I'll be strongly tempted to move... only a feeling of loyalty of having used it as Mozilla as my browser for a decade will stop me from moving.

Comment Re:There is a solution to the tethered jailbreak . (Score 4, Interesting) 68

Why is it that there are so many foul mouthed, rabid comments by detractors of iOS all over the interwebs? I would like to believe that these folks are paid shills; it would make more sense.

I love FOSS, I run Ubuntu Linux on a Mac Pro, and I own a jailbroken iPhone on which I can install whatever I want using dpkg and apt-get (yes, Debian tools are the jailbreakers' favorite ones).

I have tried Android, and while I love the fact that Android is based on Linux, I have found that a jailbroken iPhone offers me much of the same flexibility.

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