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Comment Re:Define what "close" means (Score 5, Insightful) 299

Of course, left unsaid in all of this is... would Iran ever use a nuke?

Iran wants nukes for the same reason that the North Korea wants them, to keep the U.S. from ever invading their legs of the "Axis of Evil" (like they did with Iraq). And if you're a smaller country about the only way to ensure that the U.S. can't and won't invade is to have nukes.

So it's very unlikely that Iran would ever use its nukes. Merely having them would achieve their objective (stopping any invasion).

Comment Linus Torvalds is his own worst enemy (Score -1, Flamebait) 786

He claims to love Linux, but what he really loves is himself. And every time it looks like Linux might achieve even a modicum of success, his overinflated ego is always there to ruin it.

Someone needs to tell him that it's hard enough to get people to adopt your OS with 3 million competing distros, much less with the leadership of an egotistical ass who takes every opportunity to scream like bipolar child at anyone who tries to actually help. The only thing Garrett was doing in this case was recognizing a problem going forward, and fixing it. And Torvalds tears his head off for it. He thinks everything has to be a big heroic stand--with him as hero, of course.

Comment Re:You know, you can buy an unlocked phone (Score 2) 317

The major carriers will unlock after contract and the DMCA has a specific exclusion for legacy phones.

And of course, once again, no one made you a slave to begin with. YOU agreed to the terms. YOU had the option to buy the more expensive unlocked version. YOU are the cheap-ass who decided to buy the subsidized one.

Comment Re:You know, you can buy an unlocked phone (Score 4, Informative) 317

See, we "bitch and moan" because we bought a phone, and then the government told us we are not allowed to do what we want with the phone.

No, you bought a subsidized phone under a contract. You're free to unlock it as soon as you fulfill that contract, or you're free to buy the unsubsidized/unlocked version in the first place and never enter the fucking contract in the first place.

What you're asking for is to have your cake and eat it too. If you want freedom, BUY THE UNLOCKED PHONE!

Comment Re:You know, you can buy an unlocked phone (Score 0) 317

The law in question specifically states that it's only illegal to unlock your phone during the contract period . After that, you are of course free to do what you want with it. This petition is for cheapskates who want to buy subsidized phones, but not fulfill their contract.

Comment Re:You know, you can buy an unlocked phone (Score 4, Insightful) 317

No, what we have now is:

You go to buy a phone
Carrier offers you the unlocked version for $600 or the 2-year contract version for $150
You buy the $150 model
For the next two years you bitch and moan because you can't unlock the phone and switch carriers.

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