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Comment Re:new features! (Score 1) 134

"Linux Mint 15 is the most ambitious release since the start of the project. MATE 1.6 is greatly improved and Cinnamon 1.8 offers a ton of new features, including a screensaver and a unified control center."

Really, linux mint, a screensaver, really?

Well, the last time I tried Ubuntu 3d screensavers wouldn't work properly, meaning the screen went black and I had to enter my password with no visual feedback to unlock. Also the screensavers weren't configurable and were generally an example of all that was wrong with ubuntu, linux and everything.

Comment Is this the long-term solution? No (Score 1) 183

From TFA:

Is this the long-term solution?

This solution is a compromise to create predictable release numbers for future Java releases, leave version numbers available for unplanned releases needed to address security alerts, and maintain backward compatibility with systems that expect the version number to have only a family number plus a single “update” number. It will be the new standard for the affected version.

A more elegant solution requires changing the version format of the JDK to accommodate multiple types of releases. To avoid incompatibilities with existing code however, a change in the version string format needs to be implemented on a future major Java release and will have to be documented and communicated with adequate time to allow software developers to prepare for the change.
Is this the long-term solution?

This is a workaround. Oracle is being plain about this and at least making an effort not to break applications.

Comment Re:Fork!!! (Score 2) 135

When Sun announced that they were going to open source Java they got a lot of bashing of people here because they didn't want to believe it or because Sun was slow in its process. Some things are not instantaneous (code reviews, packaging, third party licenced components, etc) and people should not have unrealistic expectations on this. But they Sun was true and open sourced the main components of Java. I don't know if Oracle plans to continue on this path with the remaining components but they are not the most important ones IMHO.

Comment Re:Missing the Point, it's all Microsoft fault. (Score 1) 135

Sorry, you are saying that there are security bugs in older versions of the JRE that allow drive-in attacks when Java is used only in the server-side? Please provide some examples because I'm interested.
Of course, if companies that spend millions in applications can't update the old versions it can't be blamed all on Java, could it? And yes, I know very well how companies work.

Comment Re:Fork!!! (Score 1) 135

Sun open sourced the main components of Java 6 as OpenJDK. Notably exceptions are the Java browser plugin and web start. IcedTea was a fork by Redhat but now they are OpenJDK contributors. What people refer simply as Java covers a lot of different things (compiler, library, plugin, hotspot jvm, etc).
Read the article on wikipedia for more details:

Comment Re:Dead on arrival? (Score 1) 197

from the Wayland faq it seems that the X developers have a different perception of the X protocol:

What is wrong with X?

The problem with X is that... it's X. When you're an X server there's a tremendous amount of functionality that you must support to claim to speak the X protocol, yet nobody will ever use this. For example, core fonts; this is the original font model that was how your got text on the screen for the many first years of X11. This includes code tables, glyph rasterization and caching, XLFDs (seriously, XLFDs!). Also, the entire core rendering API that lets you draw stippled lines, polygons, wide arcs and many more state-of-the-1980s style graphics primitives. For many things we've been able to keep the server modern by adding extensions such as XRandR, XRender and COMPOSITE and to some extent phase out less useful extensions. But we can't ever get rid of the core rendering API and much other complexity that is rarely used in a modern desktop. With Wayland we can move the X server and all its legacy technology to an optional code path. Getting to a point where the X server is a compatibility option instead of the core rendering system will take a while, but we'll never get there if don't plan for it.

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