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Comment Re:Now I'm Back and Drunk (Score 1) 142

And 150 years ago you'd be screaming about how them negros is only 3.5ths of a human
To idea that negros were closer to monkeys is an idea that came from the evolutionists.
If you are so damned scared of letting your kid know that gays exist
The issue isn't gays existing the issue is them telling my kids its normal to be gay.I guess evolution is the way out for gays, its the only way they are going to be able to reproduce somehow. No one can explain to me how babies come out your butt. Gay birds don't make babies dumbass.
Now they have no children and will spend their remaining years without knowing anything about their child's life.Well it's the end of that family tree either way. Did you ever stop to think maybe they don't hate their kid but are simply disgusted.
And Jesus said repent and forsake your sins for the wages of sin is death.

Comment Re:wow (Score -1, Troll) 142

Science is based on observable phenomena.
Did you observe this phenomena of a fish crawling onto land and eventually becoming a monkey then a man? Or do you believe it based on faith in some guy who wrote a book and told you that you evolved from a monkey?
And the parent post was referring to the Alberta gov giving parents the right to remove their kids from class when sexuality is being taught. I don't need the schools teaching my kids about how great it is to be a homo when my religion forbids it. How would you like me preaching to you kids? Also homos don't make biological sense they are just pervs and evolution (if it existed) would have long ago wiped them out. You can't make babies in your butt, duh!
PlayStation (Games)

Activision CEO Warns Sony That the PS3 Needs a Price Cut 149

Bobby Kotick, President and CEO of Activision, one of the largest game companies in the world, has come out with a none-too-subtle warning to Sony that they need to seriously consider a price drop on the Playstation 3. Rumors have been circulating for months that such a drop was forthcoming, but Sony has staunchly denied that they had any plans to drop prices, Kotick said, "The PlayStation 3 is losing a bit of momentum and they don't make it easy for me to support the platform. It's expensive to develop for the console, and the Wii and the Xbox are just selling better. ... They have to cut the price, because if they don't, the attach rates [the number of games each console owner buys] are likely to slow. If we are being realistic, we might have to stop supporting Sony." While it's unlikely that Activision would follow through with such a threat, it definitely adds to the pressure Sony is feeling to lower the PS3's price. Sony issued a brief response which said nothing of consequence.

Comment Re:wow (Score -1, Troll) 142

Alberta's law against sane education You just want for the schools to teach our kids to be homo, atheist's who believe we came from monkeys. You only believe in rights the agree with what you believe. That is called intolerance. And I will go one step further to inform you that the first person that tries to preach to my kids their wacky insane religion (evolution) will regret it and experience how intolerant I can be.
The Internet

Liberal Party of Canada Comes Out In Support of Net Neutrality 142

bryxal writes "The Liberal Party of Canada, currently leading in most polls, has announced yesterday that it supports Net Neutrality, saying, 'Internet management should be neutral and not be permitted for anti-competitive behaviour, nor should it target certain websites, users, providers or legitimate software applications. We must protect the openness and freedom of the internet, and maintain competition to spur innovation, improve service levels and reduce costs to users.'"

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