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Comment selection bias? (Score 1) 152

If you get a surgery on a weekend, likely there was a reason why it could not be postponed to Monday. No wonder that many of the surgeries that could not be postponed end badly.

And maybe the same thing applies to Fridays to some degree. Less critical surgeries are probably pushed to Monday, to avoid post-op care during the weekend if possible.

Comment I would really enjoy responding to that request (Score 1) 227

Dear Sirs, While we do not plan any monetary compensation for the outgoing links to your website, we would be partial to a barter deal. In compensation to our linking of your web site, you may publish any number of full page ads for our web site in your newspaper, free of charge.
Dear Sirs, Thank you for your kind offer to pay us for linking to your web site. While we often get requests from various parties to link to their web site, and while we understand that such links are valuable to you and help you increase your advertising revenue, we do not accept compensation for it as a matter of policy. Therefore we are happy to assure you we will continue to link you your site free of charge. We would however accept a token gift of appreciation, like a cake or flowers for our staff, if you wish to share a small part of the revenue you earned thanks to us.
Dear Sirs, We have noted that you no longer wish to be linked from our web site. While we do not understand why you would want to decrease the number of visitors to your web site, it's your tree and feel free to hang yourself on it. We have removed all links in question and set up a filter to make sure we never link you again, and will recommend our business partners to do the same.
The only problem is, which approach to choose :)
(not native speaker, sorry for clumsy english while trying to sound official)

Comment Re:nonsense (Score 1) 356

There is a difference between being *called* windows and *having* windows. Yes, of course window-based system existed before microsoft copied them. But here we are concerned only with the name. (And no, if one says "windows" he never means the x-window system, and it never was so. It was "X" or "X-Windows" or "X-Window", never "windows".)

Comment nonsense (Score 1, Insightful) 356

Nonsense, when you say "windows" in the OS context, you always mean Microsoft Windows. The term has not become generic, that would mean that people use "windows" to refer to OS that is not in fact Microsoft Windows. On the other hand, you could easily say "app store" and mean the android application repository. The term has not even become generic, it has always been generic. It never exclusively referred to Apple app store.

Comment democracy? (Score 1) 1128

As someone who does not live in USA, I have to ask: Can you still call this "democracy"? I thought the point of elections was people choosing the candidate who they think is best. Now you are voting for the worst candidate in order to get one of the better candidates out of the way. A few years ago you had the candidate who most people voted for lose the elections. And even if everything works fine, you still choose from a very limited set of candidates, offered by two major parties.

As a programmer, I see the specification is "choose the person wanted by most citizens for president", but the algorithm is a bit too complicated and obviously does not work according to the specification.

(preemptive comment; Yeah, who am I to talk, I am probably some European commie anyway.)

Comment Re:What the hell? (Score 1) 646

Then TFA is talking nonsense, sugar contains glucose and fructose in similar ratio as HFCS, the difference is that they are bonded into sucrose molecules by a weak bond. Sucrose is broken down to fructose and glucose in your digestive system and from that point there is really little difference between digesting sugar or HFCS.

Comment Re:Media Regional Sales Restrictions (Score 1) 247

It seems that most people who reacted here misunderstand me as some commie who just feels he has a right to everything. The opposite is true, I respect the companies decision, I just wish they based it on some real analysis instead of arbitrary borders. But it's their right to act arbitrarily, and it's my right to complain about it on Slashdot :D.

Comment Re:Media Regional Sales Restrictions (Score 1) 247

I am not talking about an insult. It's merely an inconvenience, and one that does seems to be easily fixed if the company in question tried just a little bit. I am not saying I am entitled to anything. All I am saying is that it would be nice of them to do a proper analysis before making a decision. Apple may have good reasons why they don't want to sell music here, I can accept that. But if you visit web shops that list countries that have not existed for years, you can be sure that they did not care to do their homework properly.

Comment Re:Non-article? (Score 2, Informative) 247

Actually, there are companies that try to fill the gap. They have an address in US that you can use when ordering in an US-only online shop, and they will re-mail it to you in Europe. It is not cheap and a bit complicated, but it works.

Also, if you read my comment carefully, I used the word "half" a lot. There are many online shops that have no problem with shipping to eastern Europe. I can get my stuff online, it is just much less convenient.

The problem here is really simple. People in countries that are being left out have a strong feeling that the decision many companies make, not to ship to these countries, is often not based on rational reasoning. Yes, we can use the gap as an entrepreneurial opportunity, but that is beside the point. The point here is that we want to alert the companies that reconsidering their policy may be beneficial to them as well as to us.

(Try to walk in my shoes for a moment: You find something interesting on Amazon, try to order it... bang, not shipping this there. You search for it on google, try a few other shops, and maybe the third one will ship it. Even though you succeed, you still feel... discriminated.)

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