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Comment Re:From what I've discovered... (Score 1) 579

"...we understand 'the incomprehensible'..." and yet so many are unable to meet and seduce attractive women... something that people of average intelligence and sometimes low intelligence have been doing for tens of thousands of years.

"so we are less oppressed in some ways" just not when it comes to social integration.

"They expect us to be weird, so we don't have to hide it as much in order to get by." or maybe there are no other equally qualified but less weird people available at that time.

Comment On the other hand... (Score 2, Insightful) 157

... if a game was created that had the faces and bodies of various judges (this judge in particular) and politicians and played like GTA complete with hookers and drug use I don't think that said figures would care very much about the first amendment. What if a game about hookers was created with a character that looked like the judges wife? Would he care as much then?

Comment Re:use a hash/timestamp (Score 1) 283

Infinite has various contexts. One being intersection and in theory all things being equal GUIDS should never technically intersect. Just as two parallel lines run parallel for infinity, although the two lines clearly have a start and end. Still for the problem in the thred GUIDs are the solution. Nitpicking of english aside.

Comment Re:use a hash/timestamp (Score 1) 283

Actually use GUIDs. You will run out of numbers (finite) long before you run out of GUIDs (infinite). So no, incrementing numbers is not correct. Also if you are using SQL replication and the likes incrementing numbers will clash and you will need to have a GUID column anyway. If you were the enterprise developer you think you are you would know this. If I was your boss I'd suggest you start looking for a new job based on both your talent and your attitude.

Comment Re:damn! (Score 1) 439

No you did not fix it.

"In this application, quotation marks are placed around a single word or phrase to indicate that the word or phrase does not signify its literal or conventional meaning."

Based on your incorrect post, about a post you thought to be incorrect, indicates your intelligence to be 'questionable'.

Google, Apple Joust Over Rejected Voice App 228

ZipK writes with an update to last month's FCC inquiry that landed Apple and AT&T in hot water over the apparent rejection of a Google Voice app for the iPhone. All three companies submitted statements to the FCC — Apple claimed the app hadn't been rejected at all, that they were simply "studying" it further. The public version of Google's statement contained a redacted section, which they politely referred to as "sensitive," but after seeing Apple's comments, they decided to reveal the entire document. Google's FCC filing directly contradicts what Apple said: "Apple's representatives informed Google that the Google Voice application was rejected because Apple believed the application duplicated the core dialer functionality of the iPhone. The Apple representatives indicated that the company did not want applications that could potentially replace such functionality." (PDF, page 4.) Apple quickly released a statement reiterating that they did not reject the app.

Submission + - Google's Leaked Memo on Apple's Rejection of Googl ( 2

ZipK writes: "Yobie Benjamin gives a short explanation of why he's abandoned the iPhone in favor of Android as his mobile development platform. More interestingly, he links to a memo in which Google details for the FCC their view of Apple's rejection of Google Voice."

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Honesty is for the most part less profitable than dishonesty. -- Plato
