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Comment Re:Copying is not theft. (Score 1) 432

At the same time, the fallacy of your argument is the fact that while there is not a 1:1 correlation between piracy and lost sales, for the amount of pirates of a work, P, there exists a non-zero subset of P that would have paid for it if it wasn't easily pirated.

And quite frankly, your argument is stupid anyways. It doesn't matter if they had no intention of paying for it. They are still enjoying the fruits of someone else's labor for free. How many of you are willing to work for free?

Comment Re:Copying is not theft. (Score 1) 432

Slashdot is (or once was) an intellectual site, people with intelligence can see just how wrong the system is because, unlike the sheep, we can see just how wrong copyright is.

So your solution to the "wrong" system is to simply take the fruits of someone else's labor without compensating them? Are you willing to work for free?

Comment Re:Feel good measures. (Score 1) 528

Maybe they just don't want to be associated with distributing gun plans? I would bet $10,000 that if this was about sex toys, or homoerotic art, that most of those decrying this as "censorship" or "idiotic because you can find those anywhere else on the internet" would be supporting them, because it's their right.

Comment Re:Good to know (Score 2) 528

I like how libertarians are all in favor of liberty, until you do something they don't like. Especially because, if this wasn't about guns, but rather, say, sex toys, the libertarians would be supporting their right to decide what content they host unquestionably.

If a libertarian group would dis-invite someone for exercising their rights and liberty, then that group is clearly NOT a libertarian group.

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