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Comment Re:False (Score 3, Insightful) 366

I don't know about the GP, but on my 400 minute voice, unlimited text/data plan with T-mobile, I'm paying $65.53/month after all taxes and fees (in MA) with no contract. Before taxes/fees, this plan is $60/month. The same plan when used with a subsidized phone has a pre-taxes/fees price of $80/month. So, over the course of a 2-year contract, the subsidized plan would have me paying an extra $480, plus however much taxes and fees work out to be on the extra 20/month. I've never seen that big of a discount when buying a subsidized phone, so I know what I'll be sticking with.

Comment Re:Operative words (Score 5, Informative) 286

As an example, here is the warning text from the most recent update to the Google Maps application:

This application has access to the following:
  • Your personal information: read contact data, write contact data
  • Services that cost you money: directly call phone numbers
  • Your location: coarse (network-based) location, fine (GPS) location
  • Network communication: full Internet access
  • Your accounts: Google Maps, manage the accounts list, use the authentication credentials of an account
  • Storage: modify/delete SD card contents
  • Phone calls: read phone state and identity
  • Hardware controls: record audio
  • System tools: prevent phone from sleeping, retrieve running applications

These are all displayed to the user in big orange warning text, with an OK/Cancel button below 'em. Every application in the market does this sort of thing, so the user knows exactly what every app is able to do. The article looks like FUD to me.

Comment Re:Low-end HDMI Cables (Score 1) 169

If you don't have sound with your 360's HDMI, it's likely a problem with your TV. I've got a Westinghouse LCD HDTV, and it has problems with HDMI audio every month or so. It'll keep showing the video, but no audio at all over HDMI. The only solution I've found is to unplug the TV's power, wait a minute, then plug it back in. It's a pain, but like everyone else has said, the 360 certainly has HDMI audio, and that's what I have to do to keep it working with my TV.

Transparent Aluminum Is "New State of Matter" 406

Professor_Quail writes with this interesting excerpt: "Oxford scientists have created a transparent form of aluminum by bombarding the metal with the world's most powerful soft X-ray laser. 'Transparent aluminum' previously only existed in science fiction, featuring in the movie Star Trek IV, but the real material is an exotic new state of matter with implications for planetary science and nuclear fusion."

Comment Re:Been there, done that (Score 1) 290

Eh, I can do it just fine in Boston. It's easiest on foot or bike here, because then there's no need to worry about all the damn one-way streets. I can still manage just fine in a car, though. My friends generally wonder how I manage to do it, and I always tell them it's the map in my head. Going anywhere once is enough for me to be reliably able to get to anywhere else in the area I've already been. Glancing at a map is enough for me to be able to get anywhere new. I may not take the most optimal route, but I never get lost.

Like one of the previous posters, I grew up relying on my feet and a bike for most transportation, but in a suburban environment.

I still want one of those compass belts.

Comment Re:Rooted G1 with WiFi Tether (Score 1) 202

WiFi Tether allows exactly that. You are also able to restrict by MAC address using a nice GUI including notifications when unauthorized and authorized clients connect - it's as simple as clicking a checkbox to add a new client to the allowed list. The encryption is a bit weak for my tastes, though. It currently only supports WEP. My solution is doing everything potentially sensitive through a VPN, but not everybody has that option.

A Mixed Review For Windows 7's XP Mode 137

The Register writes "If one thing excited people more than the disclosure of the Windows 7 Release Candidate's availability, it was the news of Windows 7 XP Mode. The Reg's Tim Anderson gave Windows XP Mode a mixed report in his review of the Windows 7/Virtual PC combo. Overall, the level of integration is excellent and Windows XP Mode showed strong potential. However, responsiveness of applications was sluggish and the seamless integration between Windows 7 and XP proved confusing."

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