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Comment Re:Cool (Score 1) 259

At this point it's not about being better or worse. It's about which of the two alternatives gets the important closed source drivers first (high-end AMD and nVidia GPUs as well as mobile GPUs). *No* open source driver for this hardware is remotely good enough to put it through its paces properly.

Comment Re:Sorry kid (Score 1) 400

No, game AIs will be designed by humans for a long time to come. The good ones are usually tuned very well to provide a very specific experience to the player. A big part of game design is to define this experience and behaviour. Automatic tuning risks altering the game in ways that deviate from the designer's intent too much and might make the game unplayable. The game may become too hard or too easy or the learning algorithm may decide to optimize the AI to exploit some obscure game rules or even a bug to become much stronger than it is supposed to be. Automatic learning may even backfire completely and get the AI in a state where it does fine for the most part but breaks completely if you do one specific, maybe even very common thing.

Anecdotal evidence: some guys trained a neural network as a driving AI for a racing game. All went well on the training track. The network started to find its way along the course and did faster and faster laps. Then they took that AI and put it onto a new track. It did fine until it suddenly failed horribly and put the vehicle against the nearest wall. The developers finally figured out that there was some new, harmless object on the track that the AI wasn't trained to encounter. So it mistook it as an obstacle to avoid and did just that.

Comment Re:Here's to better AI! (Score 1) 128

Learning AIs in games have been problematic in the past. Mostly it is about control over the experience that gets delivered to the customer: as a designer your job is to get it just right. You can do this easily with current more or less heuristic AI algorithms. The ability to learn opens the scope of possible behaviours so much that it's not possible anymore to deliver a guaranteed experience.

Short version: the designer can't stop the game from going nuts in unpredictable ways because of stupid player input (and well, all player input is "stupid").

Comment Re:Seriously, are MS devs really using Win8? (Score 1) 628

Well, a tap on the Win key and the first few letters of the program I want beat your clicking through hierarchies every time. KDE introduced their sort-of equivalent minicli about a decade ago and I think that it's a terrific idea. I use these features regularly. And don't tell me they're slower than your mouse navigation. They aren't.

Comment Re:Did DirectX ever "drive the market"? (Score 1) 305

Hm, all those XNA and Unity based games that I've tried - all written using C# and therefore garbage collected - perform very smoothly here. OK, this is anecdotal evidence, but C# is so widely used in game development now that I have to assume that it really works. Otherwise, the engine makers would have changed programming language in an instant.

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