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Comment Re:Reserved Words my ass (Score -1) 396

Reserved words mean nothing. I was a Cobol programmer (job outsourced). You ignore most of the reserved words. Just use a subset. Any good Javascript programmer also codes in a subset of JavaScript (Javascript, the good parts - book title). The idiots at IBM overengineerd the stupid language. Cobol includes the kitchen sink. What do yo expect from a big fat bloated company such as IBM.

I worked recently on a mainframe a couple of years ago. IBM has idiots writing the dump program where they translate a hexadecimal dump to decimal. They have some idiot PC programmers who think that a mainframe is a PC! IBM mainframes suck big time.

Comment Who gives a SHIT (Score -1) 332

My job was outsourced forever. Now all you stupid fools are going to find out what it's like. Do you really think Americans are actually better than Chinese or Indians? Welcome to that giant sucking sound. In commerce most of the work is crap and there is very little creativity or innovation. I did more creative work for my Master's than I have in all of my 25+ years of stupid commercial IT work. Welcome to hell. :-)

Comment Re:bring in NASA to check for extra-terrestials (Score -1) 380

I am not sure what u are saying here. I will ignore your dumass comment for the moment. The space shuttle is attached laterally to main engines. When main engine blew up on take off, space shuttle Columbia blew up as well. They could have designed shuttle like gemini spacecraft. I am not saying I have an alternative design but to design a spacecraft with no escape mechanism for a certain period of time is ridiculous. With gemini this would not have happened. "One has to look out for engineers they begin with sewing machines and end up with the atomic bomb" - Marcel Pagnol

Comment spam is wasted bandwidth: I call BullShit (Score -1) 211

There is so much waste on the internet. And you complain about spam? Look at Flash ! Most of the Flash movies out there are basically TV. Is TV known for education as people had hoped when it was invented? No it is dumbed down for the sheeple out there: reality shows ad anauseum. Should 24 be an example of an education show? What exactly do we learn from 24? In short, TV is basically a waste and now I fear that the internet is turning into shit. And you complain about waste? Even slashdot itself seems to use so much goddamn javascript. Soon one will need a supercomputer just to execute javascript. OIE VEY.

Comment Re:Cloud Computing needs to go. (Score -1) 107

Broadband access will never get faster. Broadband providers will never speed up broadband speeds unless the gobernment forces them to do so. Have u noticed that the broadband space has no competition? Yes I expect our gobernment to force these recalcitrant broadband providers to speed up their internet service very soon (cough .... cough). The problem is that broadband providers are also content providers. Until content is separated from broadband speed nothing will ever happen. By the time this problem is fixed we will be nothing but a third world country. I think we should learn Chinese while we have the chance.

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IF I HAD A MINE SHAFT, I don't think I would just abandon it. There's got to be a better way. -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
