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Submission + - Targeted Killing is no big thing. (

BenJCarter writes: From the shoot first and ask questions later category:

"There had been extensive debate within the administration over the past year on how much to disclose about the drone program, particularly decisions to target U.S. citizens without judicial review. Three Americans were killed in Yemen last year, including alleged al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki and his teenage son."

And his teenage Son, also a citizen...

How do we know when a citizen is a terrorist?

What Constitutional justification has been offered for killing a citizen?

Submission + - US Staging Air Power near Iran? (

BenJCarter writes: According to Wired's Danger Room

"The U.S. Air Force is quietly assembling the world’s most powerful air-to-air fighting team at bases near Iran. "

The military seems to be worried about a low tech Zerg. The lack of direct interfacing of F-22's and F-15s seems clunky also. Lucky for US forces, they have BACON. And you KNOW Iran doesn't want to mess with BACON...

Submission + - Squadron of lost WWII Spitfires to be exhumed in Burma (

An anonymous reader writes: Like a treasure chest stuffed with priceless booty, as many as 20 World War II-era Spitfire planes are perfectly preserved, buried in crates beneath Burma — and after 67 years underground, they're set to be uncovered. The planes were shipped in standard fashion in 1945 from their manufacturer in England to the Far East country: waxed, wrapped in greased paper and tarred to protect against the elements. They were then buried in the crates they were shipped in, rather than let them fall into enemy hands, said David Cundall, an aviation enthusiast who has spent 15 years and about $200,000 in his efforts to reveal the lost planes.

Comment Re:Really Reads: (Score 1, Insightful) 136

Wait, so the Democratic politician who stood up to end this ridiculous program meant to move US jobs overseas is the bad guy?

I'm going to go out on a limb here and bet that you're planning to vote for Mitt Romney.

What about the Republican Congressman Walter Jones (R-N.C.), that co-wrote the letter? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you probably think the Democrats are the good guys, despite the fact that Obama nominated an RIAA shill to be solicitor general. I don't think it's Democrats vs Republicans as much as it is politicians and their friends vs us.

Comment Re:I can see Sergei's point (Score 1) 500

How do you freeze the market so everyone can play? Using laws written by our incredibly astute US Congress perhaps? Myself, I'd rather a small risk of someone cornering certain web markets will retard growth in that sector for awhile, over the larger risk that government regulation to fix a currently non existent problem will cause problems for all sectors of the Internet.

Comment Re:I can see Sergei's point (Score 1) 500

How are we not consumers of the web right now as we post to Slashdot? Does designing a web site or killer application, creating a blog or posting on Facebook or Pinterest make the user something other than a web consumer? The web is access to a shared communication system of unimaginable complexity balanced on a basic protocol suite designed by the ongoing collaborative engineering efforts of the IETF.

So, how, exactly, does my previous statement claim the web is a fancy TV?

Comment Re:The problem is chicken little (Score 1, Troll) 1181

How will we die if the globe warms up a little? Historically warmer periods have been prosperous times for humans. More people die from not being able to afford heating oil than from a warmer climate. Even though the sky actually is falling, the globe has not warmed in the last 15 years despite increased CO2 output. For the envirocultists, this is the truly inconvenient truth...

From the Daily Mail link:

‘If temperatures continue to stay flat or start to cool again, the divergence between the models and recorded data will eventually become so great that the whole scientific community will question the current theories,’ he said. Read more:

Comment Re:Newsworthy Non-Tsunami (Score 1) 995

The only corporate media reference to George Zimmerman's father I can find using 30 seconds of Google activity, is that the LA Times saying ...his father, Robert, a retired magistrate judge.... A magistrate judge, according to wikipedia, "In the United States federal courts, magistrate judges are appointed to assist United States district court judges in the performance of their duties." Sorry i can't Google more, but I'm afraid the ADD will wear off and I'll have to go to bed...

Pops being a judge definitely adds a wrinkle.

Speaking of politics, has anyone noticed the price of gas lately?!

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