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Comment Re:Sounds like a true scientist (Score 1) 169

They're racists and paranoid. They think there's some big conspiracy to repress the "truth", or at least what they think of as the truth. That's the only way they can justify in their beliefs - some big conspiracy theory. But, I have to say that if a belief system falls apart on the basis of a conspiracy or not, then maybe the belief system should be looked at.

Comment Re:What if... (Score 3, Insightful) 136

So true. The biggest proponents of Scrum/Agile are the "instructors." It's just propaganda to make you think that Scrum really works. While it might look great to the MBAs and other execs, it just doesn't work in the real world, at least at any company that has a budget and wants to actually make a profit. I'm sure it would work beautifully on side projects, non-profit projects, etc... where you're not concerned about money, though.

Oh yeah, and a case in point on the GP's propaganda:

I no longer think of developers as professional if they fail to use these practices.

So, he resorts to telling programmers, basically, that they're not professional if they don't use Scrum. Trying to appeal to that person's guilt and shame. Sorry, but I don't fall for these "shame" tactics. Just a tactless, tasteless ploy to try and lure people to Scrum.

Comment Re:Opposite experience (Score 1, Interesting) 228

Right. If a rep is sitting around just waiting for the customer to finish typing, then that is very inefficient. I would think they should be handling multiple chats at the same time.

His responses should require minimal interaction. His first couple responses should either be completely automated, or at least copy/pasted. He should also have multiple troubleshooting steps and solutions ready to be pasted into the chat window. And, hopefully, his chat application should be able to at least paste images, which would really help guide the customer through the steps.

Further, the OP seems to forget how many times that either he or the customer has to repeat himself on the phone because he couldn't understand. Plus, you can't just fire off 5 steps for the customer to take at once while on the phone, like you can in chat. You have to wait until the customer is done with each step before moving on the next. And, of course, you can only talk to one customer at a time on the phone. A chat rep should be handling multiple cases at a time.

Comment Re:How hard can it be? (Score 1) 559

Exactly. There are sports that I have no idea why we have them separated today, like Marksmanship, Archery, Diving, Badminton, Gymnastics, Snowboarding, Downhill Skiing. The list goes on and on. There's no reason why a woman couldn't compete and win in those sports against men. In fact, I think it would be kind of cool to see a mixed Gymnastics Overall competition where in some events like the rings, would probably see more men, but in others like the uneven bars, would see more women.

Comment Re:Goodbye jobs (Score 1) 475

Flip the burgers: Burger King designed one quite a while ago, there are others , keep in mind that "taste" is a creative field, so anything produced this way is likely to be fast-food, not restaurants.

I think that coming up with the recipes is creative, but once you have the recipe, that can easily be automated.

- Plumbing/Gas, machines don't work well with water, we can invent tools and robots to help, but it's a lot easier for a human to solve a plumbing problem by seeing where things are leaking/clogged and engineer a solution on the spot with available materials. Again, this is a creative angle.

It's a "creative" angle now but easily solvable. If we were to add sensors to plumbing/gas lines, then leaks and other problems could be identified fairly quickly. Just add sensors for moisture detection, pressure, etc... Place them along the plumbing, and you would not only know when there was a problem but what section was faulty.

- Customer Service. We don't as yet have a way for robots to do anything other than say NO. Can you imagine not being able to return anything, even unopened?

That's the easiest one to solve, and could probably be solved fairly quickly. Just scan the product and scan your receipt. Somehow come up with a way to determine if a package has been opened, if it hasn't then issue a store credit.

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