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Comment Re:Bye bye health insurance (Score 1) 277

Fallacy #1: We do not wait for healthcare in the USA. Tell it to my old man who waited in a hall on a gurney for 30 hours in December, 2019 while having a stroke. Because every bed in every hospital in his city was full. You'll wait for healthcare in the USA.

Fallacy #2: Private option is significantly different from public option. Health insurance in the USA is a disaster. Private, public, doesn't matter. You're a sheep to be sheared unless you own a million shares of United Health Group.

Fallacy #3: Hospitals in the USA are complaining about being 60% capacity for any reason except they expect to be hit by a wave of Coronavirus ARDS cases in the next 0-4 weeks and those people in the hospital need to be elsewhere or they're going to get sicker.

Comment Re:Slavery (Score 1) 277

Granted, some people make really bad choices and we deserve to have them isolated away from the general population for the safety of the general population. That said, there are some not insignificant number of innocent people behind bars. Because our legal system is run by people. And people, as we all know, make mistakes. And one of the mistakes that can be made in our legal system is arresting the wrong person. Another is prosecuting the wrong person. And finally there's convicting and sentencing the wrong person to do time in jail. I do not know the exact number, but it's a near certainty that the number is somewhere between 0.1% and 10%. And when you're talking about millions of prisoners, that means a large number of individuals who are institutionally enslaved by our government. A government for which we are ultimately responsible. That seems like a pretty high cost to me.

Comment Re:Thermal cameras wouldn't help (Score 1) 408

It's only 3 months into the pandemic. It's too early to hang any certainty on mortality rates. The other thing to remember is that the current mortality rates in the USA are before our health care system is overwhelmed. If we do not slow the spread, there won't be enough ICU beds or respirators and the mortality rate will likely climb.

Comment Re:Thermal cameras wouldn't help (Score 2) 408

> Meanwhile, the number of deaths is an absolute known.

It'd be nice if the above statement were true. It's not. Dying of Coronavirus presents in a very similar manner to dying of other types of pneumonia. So the # of deaths attributed to Coronavirus is probably undercounted by a good amount. Especially when you consider that major outbreaks are happening in nations with poor public health systems. Like Iran and the USA.

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