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Comment Re:Put this on the list (Score 1) 357

so, because you don't like what facebook is doing, it should be a law?

Wow...people like you made NY ban smoking, distracted driving (then talking on the cell phone while driving and then texting while driving...it's all the same thing...distraction!).

If you don't like what facebook allows people to do, don't have a facebook account.

Comment Re:I tried to like it. I really did. (Score 1) 602

The planet in the finale was not the planet that the 'old' cylons came from. Kara found the old cylon planet at the end of season 3 when she said she found Earth.

Tyrol found his charred image on a wall on 'Earth'
Sam found a guitar neck on 'Earth'
Tori supposably remembered something 'Earth'
Saul remembered Ellen was the fifth on 'Earth'

The planet the ended up on was labelled by Adama as 'Earth' just before the president finally died...when she should have died so many times before :/

He said that Earth was a dream, a goal...then that planet ended up flash forwarding 150,000 years and showing what I assume is present day earth...

Comment Re:Content Freedom? (Score 1) 747

It only takes one person to rip and encode to distribute millions of copies. It took millions of people with two VHS players to "rip" a million copies of a movie on VHS...and they had to be local to the original source.

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
