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Comment Re:Value for money vs FanboiGasms (Score 1) 361

That sir, is the suggested retail. I just bought an i7-930 for $199 (Microcenter). Just shop around and there will always be a good deal better than MSRP. The DDR3 and motherboard were what really killed me. But in all, I got a new top of the line i7 system with 6Gb of RAM for ~$750. I built a Phenom II X2(4) 555BE with the same specs and it came out to be only $100 cheaper in the end.

Comment Re:All this cyberwar bullshit (Score 1) 149

Doesn't really matter if it's China behind any of it to call it a cyber war.

Reminds me of another war. Something about terror?

Just because we don't fight a country doesn't mean we are not at war with another entity. Or even the war on terror was brought about on a country to justify Washington calling it a "war."

Comment Re:Great... (Score 1) 721

Reminds me of this video of a cop chasing off some kids just trying to be kids.

Removing youth from pro-social environments like this only promotes hatred of "the man" and forces them into hiding. Once in hiding, they gain anti-social attitudes resulting in activities far worse than loitering in public places (where they did no real harm in the first place).

Comment Re:Lighter is not always a good thing. (Score 1) 213

Something else to consider would be the effect of a crash on the "external battery". TFA doesn't address this and if the substance isn't stable you might get a small version of a punctured Li-Ion. (Small fires on/around the vehicle are not good after a crash)

Might be a tech to watch but with the "still pretty far from commercialization" problem I don't expect to see this anytime soon.

Comment Re:Open Link in New Tab changed (Score 0) 284

I've been using the nightly builds for awhile and this feature bugged the hell out of me. Give it some time and it will grow on you. When you open a link in a tab, you don't have to go looking toward the back of the list of tabs (helpful if you have way too many open).

After using it for a while, I feel that it's more natural way of doing things.

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