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Comment Re:Try straighttalk (Score 2) 288

I just bought one of their SIM cards with their $45 unli everything plan and popped it into my Nokia N9 when I was back in the States for a few weeks recently.

Process was straightforward enough to set it up. I had decent coverage (AT&T, YMMV), unlimited everything was nice to have. Unsure what experience the previous poster had with their 3G speeds. I found it to be quite speedy. Able to watch YouTube, etc. as fast or faster than my connection at home in the Philippines.

Overall, if I were living in the States, I'd surely go with this company as I like my phones unlocked and without the bloatware of the mobile companies.

Even at that, I'll still use them when I return the US so that I have a mobile number where friends and family can reach me, while I'm there.

Comment As a scientist I have to wonder (Score 1) 74

I like the idea, but, how do you fund this effort? I don't see the article making any mention of this.

We all spend our time writing grants now to support our own research and have little enough time to do it. Now we're expected to do someone else's research? I suppose it's a bit like reviewing articles, if you want to publish, you should review. However, this takes much more time, effort and money to do.

Comment Re:It makes the same "no First World" mistake as N (Score 5, Insightful) 63

If you're a startup I don't see how it's a mistake. From TFA: "China was selected because it is the largest, most rapidly expanding smartphone market in the world, according to Jolla Chairman Antti Saarnio." This seems like a logical first step to me. Get established there first, then move on to more expensive markets once you are established.


Submission + - MythTV 0.25 released, new HW acceleration and audio standards support (

unts writes: "The highly configurable Linux PVR, MythTV, has reached the 0.25 release, over 500 days after the previous full release. New features include VAAPI support, E-AC3, TrueHD, and DTS-HD audio, the ability to control other home entertainment devices via HDMI CEC and additions to the API to allow HTTP live streaming. The release notes for 0.25 don't reflect the release status at the time of writing, but should contain most of the relevant changes.

MythTV can be used as a backend (recorder) and frontend (viewer), but can also feed other frontends such as appropriate versions of XBMC. Hopefully the new HTTP streaming API will lead to even more ways to get your video fix from MythTV."

Comment Color me surprised (Score 2) 173

I knew I couldn't be the only one. Granted, I live in the Philippines now, but I am from the States

I have a Nokia N9 that I bought outright and just go pre-paid on it, previously had a Galaxy S. One of the best things for me about pre-paid here is that I can just turn the network on, use it and turn it off. There's a set fee of 5 pesos/15 minutes of use. I rarely use it with all the WIFI around, but when I need it that's pretty cheap and easy to do and the coverage here is very good. Now if only the American providers would adopt something more like this rather than forcing smart phone owners to an "unlimited" contract.

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