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Comment Re:Best attribute (Score 1) 662

Not so much. You either did something originally, elegantly or at least competently, any of those would earn you some cred and any of those would do nicely in this case, although all of them together would be brilliant. This isn't about eyecandy, it's about functionality and compatibility, and in a more general sense its about having enough pride in one's work not to sit on a halfassed release, attempting to add cruft when the underlying base is still flawed and obviously so. Deckchairs on the Titanic is probably an overly dramatic metaphor - /. is far from doomed - but it's the first that springs to mind.

Comment This is getting silly (Score 1) 98

FFS, that poor shuttle needs to get retired while it's still in one piece or it's going to end up scattered across the North Atlantic, and we'll have to make do with a scale model for the Smithsonian.

Can someone please build us another spaceship before it's too late?

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