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XBox (Games)

Submission + - Microsoft blames their customers for poor sales

coderpath writes: "Are you an Asian gamer? Have you bought your XBox 360 yet? Well Microsoft wants to know Whats Wrong With U?. Targeted at Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and Singapore (not sure why they excluded Japan) it seems Microsoft is fed up with poor sales in Asian markets and is out to find out why. Is this a clever marketing ploy, or will it backfire?"
First Person Shooters (Games)

Submission + - Action Video Games Improve Eyesight

Dotnaught writes: "Gamers who play action video games such as Unreal Tournament or Quake for a few hours a day over the course of a month improved their ability to identify cluttered letters — a common vision test — according to new research from the University of Rochester, by way of InformationWeek. Tetris players, however, saw no such benefit. The research paper posits, "As video-game playing has become a ubiquitous activity in today's society, it is worth considering its potential consequences on perceptual and motor skills.""

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