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Comment Re:and (Score 1) 609

I use works on my netbook.

It's free, and I don't need a FULL version of office. It works great. I don't know why you have to apply the hate to Works. It does a passable job for what it is intended to do. Most of the bloat, doesn't. I tried to use Google Docs, but found my connection at school wasn't reliable enough. So, Works + Dropbox lets me have access to my notes everywhere, and backs them up on the fly.

Comment The article is spot on. (Score 1) 221

I used to run gaming fan sites. When your passion is something, and you put a lot of hours into that passion, getting crap for it, gets old fast. When I used to run gaming websites, the forums would grow and be great, and at a certain point, the community would finally grow and blossom on its own. At that point, I would assign forum moderators. That gave me a level of abstraction that I didn't have to keep current, and could do the news and write articles. If there was something questionable the moderators would let me know to check it out.

Personal attacks really are draining. Everyone has finite resources. Squandering yours reading inflammatory posts is very counter-productive.

Comment Re:Maybe its time for a new 35mm film? (Score 1) 262

256 gradients? I thought with a 16bit capture that number was... well, a LOT higher. I have read that the technical specs of digital have surpassed film a couple of years ago. The ONE thing that I know film can do better, is star-trail shots. Digital sensors warm up over time, and can't take REALLY extended shots.

(There is software to simulate it, but it is not really, the real thing)

Comment Re:Assange gets arrested. (Score -1, Troll) 538

I think the concept of WikiLeaks is good... when they leak information that is just detrimental to the government without a real reason... it is petulance. I think that a site like this HAS to have some kind of standards. Assange is out to just hurt the US, nothing else. The site has done good, and I hope this new site continues to do so, as well. The problem, is Assange has overstepped his bounds. When you get people killed with leaks like this... you have screwed up.

Comment Re:Europe (Score 1) 348

I know Canada has a similar law. I would be HARD PRESSED to have the same view, if I was already being charged for each blank CD/DVD... assuming that I would be downloading and loading them up with movies/music. If I am being charged for it anyway, might as well use it. I am completely with you there.

As for stealing... I disagree. Different basic views there. We won't see eye to eye on that. :-) You are stealing the time that goes into producing it. Not exactly the final product... but it is splitting hairs.

As for the $2000-3000 pure profit... again, I disagree. It is a matter of investment. You ARE probably right, that a movie that pays for itself is good, but a movie has to pay for itself, and it's cousins that all failed. I am sure that studios do everything they can to remain profitable, but not every movie is a success. Some are a HUGE bomb. The BIG earners, are the ones that float the money for the ones that bomb horribly. Also, movies are an investment, and if you don't see a certain return on investment (ROI) your money can be placed elsewhere with a better ROI. That is more simple economics.

Comment Re:Scary, scary illness (Score 4, Insightful) 107

In the end, all you truly have, is your mind. Who you are, who you were, and who you will be, is all in your mind. Cancer kills the body... Alzhiemer's kills who you are, and who you could be, destroying your memory of who you were...

I agree, other diseases, such as cancer do not put as much fear into me, as much as Alzhiemer's.

Comment Re:He blames marketing ... (Score 1) 350

I think the problem with Wave, is that you needed a group to really make it worthwhile. The rollout kind of crushed it. Gmail worked with ANY other email client. I use wave for all kinds of things. I use it to track customer's websites. Adding content, assets, etc to the wave. If I am working with someone else, I can add them, and we both have the same information. We can also chat, and collaborate about what we plan to do.

I use it to keep recipes I use frequently. I will tend to get into a rut, and not know what to make, I go to my "go-to" recipes that are fast, and easy to make.

When I was inviting people, I created a large wave with tools and links on how to use it. As I invited people, I added them to the wave.

I use it for bookmarks between work, and home... but they also work elsewhere, as well, say at a friend's house.

I use it for managing tasks. Again, global availability. I love wave, and am REALLY sorry to see it go. I really like Buzz (as a Twitter replacement) and I don't see that working either. *sigh*

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