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Comment Re:Too little, too late (Score 1) 453

I'm not sure you can afford not to. Given the current trajectory toward net zero, we're going to have a potentially uncomfortable planet to live on. If we don't have some kind of solution, we may well be looking at a situation where the planet can only support a much smaller population than exists. At some point we're going to have to look at trying to get CO2 levels closer to the pre-industrial values than they currently are.

Comment Re:It all boils down to that game controller (Score 1) 157

Surely what they needed was redundancy. I don't just mean another controller but another mechanism for control. I can see that the controller would be a good choice for maneuvering but if they had a fallback that was less simple to use but at least could tell the sub to surface would be enough. Anything critical should have redundancy.

Comment Re:The seam is really an issue (Score 1) 47

I am quite interested in a flip style phone but not a fold style phone, mainly because it just makes the phone a lot smaller. However, there's no way I'm prepared to pay the kind of money expected by Samsung (and I assume Google) for something like that. My current phone (OnePlus 6) is still more than good enough for my day to day. When I need a new phone, I'll check the market but doubt I'll be prepared to spend more than 500 quid on one. Phones have got ridiculously expensive. My original Galaxy S was around 200 quid and that's when it was new to the market. I really do think people are suckers for spending so much today.

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