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Comment Re:Wireless Mighty Mouse (Score 1) 519

I seem to remember a time when Logitech had much more in the way of Bluetooth offerings, but it seems like they've trimmed their line of all but the bare minimum when it comes to Bluetooth.

In fact, I've been looking at Bluetooth mice on and off for a while now and I've been somewhat disappointed - many of the mice I used to see are no longer offered, with no real replacement options.

Comment Re:They pull a knife, we pull a gun (Score 3, Insightful) 337

I read (paraphrasing):

"I can't afford it so I'll steal."

Which I knee-jerked to saying "How is that rating 'Insightful'?"

And then I had this flash that the same thinking is why the US economy is where it is.

When you steal/borrow what you can't afford, everyone loses in the long run.

Of course, that's an oversimplification of the respective situations ... but it was just weird how I went from "What you talkin' bout Willis?" to "That thinking is why the country is trillions in debt and my GFs retired parents might lose their house*" in the span of a second.

*(not because they borrowed too much, but because their retirement funds took a nose dive when everyone else borrowed too much)
PlayStation (Games)

Submission + - PS3 used to solicit a minor (

BotFodder writes: "I've seen several articles over the past couple of days about how a man solicited an 11 year old girl for pictures and sex through the PS3 (or more accurately, the Playstation Network). Most of the articles have been rather short. I personally have been a bit concerned though, because there may be unwarranted focus on the platform or Sony (who, while a favorite target on Slashdot, doesn't necessarily warrant a lion's share of the blame in this case). If anyone's going to focus on anything, it should be first the pedophile, and then the parents of the girl ... but that's just my opinion, and I'm sure the discussion that follows will include the salient details of any rant I would post here."

Outage Knocks Gmail Offline For Many Users 209

Many readers noted an outage affecting Google's gmail service last night. Firmafest points to a statement from Google, according to which only a small subset of users were affected. According to reader CaptHarlock, mail itself remained accessible through IMAP clients, and the chat feature via external applications. jw3 asks "Of course, gmail is just one of the many providers of web-based e-mails. When I look around, almost everyone seems to be using them nowadays. So — what do you do? Do you trust that the site of your web-based e-mail provider will never go down? Do you make backups of all your e-mails?" (Some readers still seem to be unable to reach the site, too.)

Human Eye Could Detect Spooky Action At a Distance 255

KentuckyFC writes "The human eye is a good photon detector--it's sensitive enough to spot photons in handfuls. So what if you swapped a standard photon detector with a human eye in the ongoing experiments to measure spooky-action-at-a-distance? (That's the ability of entangled photons to influence each other, no matter how far apart they might be.) A team of physicists in Switzerland have worked out the details and say that in principle there is no reason why human eyes couldn't do this kind of experiment. That would be cool because it would ensure that the two human observers involved in the test would become entangled, albeit for a short period time. The team, led by Nic Gisin, a world leader on entanglement, says it is actively pursuing this goal (abstract) so we could have the first humans to experience entanglement within months."

Comment Re:The real victims (Score 0) 219

You know, when it comes to Facebook, there's a twisting of the definition of "friend". Are those people "we hardly know" really "friends"?

As the tech guy for a Library who made the logon accounts for everyone, even the Graduate Assistants (many of which I could never put faces to names or even saw most of the time) would find me due to me being "friends" with a Library coworker. I've found it hard, really, to say "no" to any of these people ...

Add to that the Library staff (or worse, former staff) that I don't really like, that ask me for Friend status ...

If I ever won the Lottery (yes, I know, odds and all that) I'd be defriending so many people the next time I hopped on Facebook ... Oh, to have the money that would ease the guilt of being an asshole ...

Comment So ... change ... (Score 4, Insightful) 1656

How soon are you going to see it?

What exactly do you think is going to change?

For better or for worse?

I don't know. I'm just suddenly very pessimistic about the whole thing. Guantanamo is probably a step in the right direction ... but when you're talking about a journey (of a committee, mind you, since it's not just the president running the country), it's going to be so easy for steps in the wrong direction to occur.

Don't get me wrong. I'm an American. Proudly so. I voted for Obama. But I just wonder ... what, really, can he do? What will he do? And in the end, will most of us be happier about it?

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