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Comment Israel does this too (Score 0, Troll) 309

But then it becomes a non-story, and something that should not be commented on, and if you do write a story about it, your whole nation would get black listed. But then again the Israeli organs are harvested off terrorist Palestine people who probably deserved it right? I suppose it's ok for IDF to go around rounding about militants and other terrorist elements, and conviently have them die and be returned to the miltiants parents sans organs. Many of which are exported out to western nations.

I don't see what the big deal is about China, if those are condemned people just like the above terrorists.


The Twitter Book Screenshot-sm 88

stoolpigeon writes "Microblogging service Twitter has undeniably been a hit, with growth rates that were at times in excess of 1400%. The growth was rapid enough that the site became well known for its periodic, and, at times, extensive downtime. Even with these issues, the service continued to grow rapidly, and with celebrities getting into the mix Twitter was quickly on the radar of mainstream media. The ubiquity of Twitter and ever-increasing coverage of 'tweets' has also brought the inevitable backlash. As with anything that gains high-profile popularity, there are plenty of Twitter haters out there, though the role Twitter has played in the recent Iranian elections seems to have brought more legitimacy to Twitter in the eyes of many. With popularity come books, and quite a few are already out there about and for Twitter, but my favorite so far is The Twitter Book by Tim O'Reilly and Sarah Milstein." Read below for the rest of JR's review.

Comment Mistake made by OP guy (Score 3, Informative) 1232

Arguing with rent-a-cops, and making a major scene out of something that needed no scene.

Talking to cops. This is the worst thing the OP guy did. He should have instead followed this very good lesson.


In no instance should he have spoken to the police officer, in no instance should he have made cyclic arguments with the officer.

From what I understood the OP wanted to make this a big deal possibly for blogging purposes (I've seen this happen with other fellow bloggers). This is what I got from reading the blog entry.

Comment Re:the warrant states a crime (Score 1) 1079

It also states he "jailbroke" phones and expressly lays it out as being a criminal activity.

It's mostly a setup from some other guy eg: "hey this dude knows too much about computers, I think he's got tons of downloads, music, movies and he's jailbreaking all sorts of stuff for people (probably stolen phones too!) ... I'm sure all that is illegal!"

Comment Re:Iphones can only run one app? (Score 1) 150

iPhone uses the same virtual memory management that darwin uses (since it's based on a darwin kernel).

What you probably meant to say was that the iPhone application launcher (springboard) and API restricts running applications not blessed by Apple concurrently.

For example, iPod application, phone application, and many other Apple provided applications can run concurrently with other applications. This is also the case if you run any applications on a jailbroken iPhone/ipod touch with the application called "Background".

The reason for such restrictions might be due to the small amount of memory available for running processes and Apple's desire to provide a very stable phone.

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