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Comment I've started reading the text through ... (Score 1) 201

I've started reading the text through, and all I can say is: GO CANADA!

As a Canadian I've been dreading our role in these negotiations. I feel that we really haven't pressed our position sufficiently in bilateral treaties with the US when it comes to commerce (this goes back decades). This is exasperated by the current Federal party in power in parliament (though it's a minority), which demonstrably follows the US lead in many areas.

However, it seems that at least in this case, our government (as distinct from parliament, I might add) is clearly pushing for the Right Stuff(tm). At least as hard as the EU, maybe harder. As an example, it seems that wherever punishments (remedies) for infringers are mentioned, Canada (and usually the EU) has added: [the judicial authorities] "shall take into account the need for proportionality between the seriousness of the infringement and the remedies ordered as well as the interest of third parties."

In other words, no ridiculous court cases where a 16-year-old gets saddled with a $750,000 judgement against them because they downloaded a few tracks from Kazaa (or whatever the kids are using these days :) and didn't know enough to turn it off.


Comment Clearly no idea what you're talking about (Score 1) 268

Okay, clearly you have no idea what you're talking about, because a Cisco Universal Broadband Router is a bit of kit used to terminate DOCSIS lines. In other words, it's for cable-modem broadband, not wireless. It would be useless to you.

That said, for others who're reading and who might be interested in some high-end, Linux-based packet-processing kit (because really, the prices Cisco and Juniper and the rest of them charge really are past the ass-raping point of the screw-me spectrum), you could check out Vyatta:

Enjoy. HTH.

Comment Re:The reason people ignore you Zed.. (Score 2, Interesting) 572

Your comment ("the reason people ignore you is because you're a dick") is clearly a troll, but it was also moderated Insightful ... which might also be a troll :)

Nevertheless, assuming for a moment that you're being truthful in your expression, then I have this to say:

This is what is wrong with the world today. Billions upon millions of morons who don't know what they're doing, and people trying to show them how to (or, hell, what the fuck - people trying to beat them into) do(ing) it the right way.

You want these assholes who can't even figure out how to correctly measure something to build the bridge you drive over twice a day? How about the building you work in?

Or I dunno, maybe you'd prefer having _only_ people who will point out errors when they see them working on it? How about your doctor? You want your operating room filled with maybe one smart guy who recognizes an error and six people who don't know any better? And you're saying that, when the smart guy recognizes the error and tries to point it out (no matter HOW he does it, though I'm betting the original poster isn't that much of an asshat at work), he's being a dick?

Christ, what's wrong with you? Seriously?

Comment Re:F the EC (Score 1) 334

Okay, so you don't buy that MySQL couldn't survive as a strictly open-source project without the ability to sell proprietary/closed-source licenses (like they currently can). I wouldn't argue that.

How do you respond to this scenario?:

Oracle owns MySQL. Oracle shapes MySQL's development very slowly over the course of a decade or two, cementing it in its current niche (and, thus, it will never be a threat to Oracle's ridiculously fat profit margins).

In this scenario, do you think there will sufficient impetus to fork and grow an open-source-only MySQL project (with a different brand and basically a new community starting from scratch)?

Surely you can agree that the desire for such will be radically reduced, possibly to the point that it's not feasible?

Even if it is feasible, surely you can agree that it would almost certainly slow down MySQL's developments in this direction by years? (For many years MySQL has been growing more and more feature-rich, arguable to expand the roles that it can play. I would say pretty much all of their current momentum is in this direction.)

Comment Re:And once again (Score 1) 913

You're a moron.

"People should have the freedom to hold on to their money if they wish if they feel it is to their benefit to do so. Especially the poor who are usually not the ones who invest in stocks for one reason or another and the only way to mitigate the erosion of their wealth is to spend that cash on something and the poor are the most in need of developing a safety net of cash that they can use to drag themselves up in the world."

The poor don't invest in stocks because THEY DON'T HAVE THE MONEY TO.

They don't lose money (directly) from inflation, because they HAVE NO MONEY TO LOSE.

They (must) spend it on the necessities - food, clothing, shelter. THIS IS THE DEFINITION OF POOR.

You're welcome.
Data Storage

Submission + - Simple P2P transparent FS replicator for Linux?

mrcgran writes: "I have a group of different Linux boxes (two desktops at home and work, a laptop and a PDA) and I would like to replicate a file system among them with no hassle at all, so that my working set is the same no matter where I am. The perfect solution would be one in which, for each box, I run a background replicator process and point it to some local block device. For each local write access in this device, the replicator asynchronously commands the peers in the group to mirror the action on their own local devices over ssh, stunnel or other secure protocol. Replicators can be added and removed from this group at any time. I might even have two replicators running on the same machine pointing to two different local block devices (RAID1-like). There is no need to replicate at block level, indeed replicating at file level would simplify me resizing the block devices in the future.

I wasn't able to find an open-source solution for the problem above. Pratima, for instance, is asynchronous but it seems to be client-server and difficult to setup in a dynamic group, similarly to DRBD. Lustre is not truly P2P but depends on a master node managing meta operations. Other fail-tolerant file systems are even more difficult to set up. What replication service do you use? Does anyone know of any which might be as useful and hassle-free as the perfect solution above?"

Submission + - RIAA Sues AllofMP3 for $1.65 trillion

Spad writes: "Zeropaid is reporting that as part of its ongoing lawsuit, the RIAA will be seeking the maximum $150,000 per song for each of the 11 million MP3s downloaded from the Russian between June and October last year. This amounts to $1.65 trillion, probably a tad more than AllofMP3 has made in its lifetime. A representative of AllofMP3 stated: "AllofMP3 understands that several U.S. record label companies filed a lawsuit against Media Services in New York. This suit is unjustified as AllofMP3 does not operate in New York. Certainly the labels are free to file any suit they wish, despite knowing full well that AllofMP3 operates legally in Russia. In the mean time, AllofMP3 plans to continue to operate legally and comply with all Russian laws.""

Comment Perfect Market vs. Real World (Score 3, Insightful) 31

Something you should consider is "perfect market" vs. "real world".

In a perfect market, outsourcing is the main way of taking advantage of economies of scale. You don't run your own national telecommunications network, you outsource it to the national network. You end up paying (cost - economies of scale + profit). The trick is, if you can reach those economies of scale with your datacenter, and you're a competent bunch, you end up paying (cost - economies of scale). So you can save money. There are obvious security and accountability advantages too.

That's the perfect market. In the real world, these folk charge far more than (cost - economies of scale + profit). They cater to inept organisations who couldn't collaboratively tie their shoes up without a contractor to show them how to do it. So you end up paying (cost_of_incompetents_doing_the_job - economies of scale + profit). The profit part of the equation is miniscule compared to the differences between "cost" and "cost of incompetents doing the job". If the home-grown data center would be big enough (I don't know that it would be, given the brief description in the post), and if it was competently-run, then you can save huge amounts of money by doing it in-house (again, aside from all other benefits).

This post has dealt exclusively with cost. Personally I would consider the other factors (security, accountability) to be the deciding factors, assuming that both options implemented services competently.

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