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Comment Re:Interesting (Score 1) 432

Wrong point of view imo: what if 50,000 innocent civilians or small offenders are trialed and jailed based on incomplete or by DEA made up evidence? And generally speaking if there is no justice to a criminal there will be no justice for the innocent.

Comment Re:There goes the tablet experience (Score 3, Interesting) 69

I just bought a € 99 tablet with Android 4, 1 Gb internal memory, 1.2 Ghz ARM A8 processor and a usb keyboard in a sleeve. It does everything it needs to do and at reasonable pace. Truth is that you do not need a Ipad to do basic things as browsing (Opera Mobile works perfect), email and some nice to have apps or casual gaming. Of course a Ipad is wonderfull but at a price I do not want to pay.

Comment Re:Why is "easy to install" for "newbies"? (Score 1) 120

I agree to that. I just installed both Arch and Manjaro to compare them with each other and with Ubuntu with Mate. And I like the speed but I have a job to do and do not want to tweak that last bit: it should just work. Manjaro does a good job to ease installation but you still have to do a lot yourself without a graphical packagemanager. And yes I know how to get along without it but why should I? Computers should make my life easier not harder.

Comment Fix the most urgent problem first (Score 1) 236

Look at what the software is supposed to do and what it does not do at the moment. Fix this first and after that document the main functions and start replacing them one by one in an orderly fashion and document them this time. It will take time but at the end you 'll have eaten the spaghetti and your project is saved. The biggest problem in software usually is that there is no time to do it right but there is always time to do it over again.

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