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Comment Grossly overpaid (Score 1) 1018

Such programs are straightforward implementations of not-so-subtle mathematical formulae.
A first year CS student could do it as a midterm project.
I would do it for fun and for free.
Getting a six figure salary for such a trivial and essentially harmful pastime is an extravagant privilege.

Comment Re:Who knows? + Preserving diversity (Score 1) 981

Dischromats are not handicapped, their color space has the same resolution as anyone else's but is layed out differently, giving them a well known advantage in camouflage detection for example.
Correcting major genetic defects is ethically tempting but correcting a genetic non-defect would be absurd.
Who can guarantee that this specific genetic peculiarity will not protect the species from some future lethal epidemy? I don't like geneticists playing god with a toy they do not understand at all.

Comment Fermi paradox update (Score 1) 454

Three explanations at least to this "paradox":
Explanation 1
Aliens are everywhere but shy enough to avoid being detected by ordinary idiots like us.
Explanation 2
Evolution to a technological civilization is an extremely improbable accident. Vertebrates on earth have had enough equipment (say eyes and fingers) for hundred millions years to draw stuff on walls (which is the start of civilization) yet never "thought" of it until lately. It may well be the case that the accidental brain configuration that finally suggested that feat was absolutely improbable and normally never happens anywhere else.
Explanation 3
When technology reaches a point near where we are now, it is unavoidably destructive of the species before it has time to escape its planet. We may be approaching the point where a single individual may spread disaster over the whole planet, volontarily or by error.
This is the most likely explanation of the paradox in my opinion.

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