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Comment Re:What is Drupal? (Score 1) 85

For managing lots of Drupal sites (even across multiple servers) try the Aegir project, its close to a 1.0 release but is stable enough for production use now.

Kind of related, check out Drush, which lets you manage drupal sites from a linux command line & drush_make which lets you create make files for drupal sites.

Drupal is very powerful, but its not for the faint-hearted.

Comment Re:Always more to the legends and stories... (Score 1) 233

I guess in this case I do define 'advanced' as more like me, because i was talking about 2 ethnic groups trying to integrate into our society. By integrate i mean 'finding their place' as opposed to 'becoming white fellahs'. They need to adapt to modern life and become a successful, healthy people.

Advanced may have been a poor word selection as its a pretty loaded term.

With Aboriginal hip hop, I wasn't talking commmercial 'bling' hip hop. I meant it as a street level form of self expression and building self respect.

Watch the vid at

Comment Re:Always more to the legends and stories... (Score 4, Interesting) 233

I spent a bit of time during some touristy native american stuff while i was in canada and alaska last year, those tribes are (were) WAY more advanced than the Australian native peoples that the comparision just doesn't apply.

Native americans built full blown cabins where aborigionals largely still lived in caves and temporary shelter. They had a far better chance at integration.

Yeah its sad whats happened to the aussie abos, but at the end of the day they, as a people, need to save themselves - they have been given whatever resources they need. And perhaps they are making progress like alcohol bans in some towns up north, mon-fri boarding schools for children so they get proper rest at night, and pouring money into aborigional art and expression (hip-hop, dance and so on).

The biggest problem is that a large proportion of this and the next generation of aboriginal kids will be growing up with fetal alcohol syndrome. those kids dont have a chance.

Comment Re:Bad Economy = Bad Management (Score 1) 453

Funny thing is your C levels must've gone cheapo in Bangalore as well - as Bangalore should most certainly be up at 3am to fix things. Most serious IT outsources run 2 to 3 shifts to give 24/7 cover. Hell, most hosting companies in the US do that.

Its always a sad thing to see a medium-large company die - so much hard work building it up sent straight down the drain.

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