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Comment Re:What's interesting about Android (Score 2) 480

No. That would be a much fairer comparison.

If motorola isn't updating their devices and engaging in "apple" tactics, then they are no better than they are.

They might even be worse.

What I object to is comparing the iPhone (software+hardware) to Android (Software only).

If you happen to make a poor consumer decision and buy crappy hardware - it's not Android's fault.
And if you happen to make a poor consumer decision and go with a manufacturer that will forget he ever sold anything to you - that's not Android's fault as well.

Currently, there's 1 handset "Line" on the market that is comparable to the iPhone in terms of software updates - and that's the Nexus line.

All other phones, while they might be superior to apple's phones, are not guaranteed the latest updates from the official channels.

Comment Re:What's interesting about Android (Score 3, Insightful) 480

How can you compare 1 type of handset (the iPhone) with about a THOUSAND different handsets from different manufacturers running Android?

If anything, you should compare the iPhone to a specific brand or manufacturer for instance, the HTC Nexus One - which not only has been getting ALL the android updates officially, but also has INCREDIBLE community support and car run a host of custom ROMs!

It's sad that misinformation has to be the key tactic to make apple look good.

Comment Re:Microsoft ignores her requests... (Score 1) 613

apparently they know NOTHING about autism (Despite claims that Gates is an Aspie).
Emotionally disturbed children have an immovable moral compass. Wrong is just wrong. there is no "but you'd get a million dollars" type exceptions on their minds. wrong remains wrong.

I hope Microsoft loses billions.

Why do you assume the kid thinks that cheating is wrong?

Comment Re:Home of the Free (Score 1) 286

Maybe you were unlawfully searched, That's up to a judge to decide.

However, if a police officer wearing a uniform and carrying a badge wants your papers - you are required by law to comply. Later on, you can press charges if you feel you have been mistreated.

That's because police officers are entrusted with a certain power that allows them to do things beyond of what an ordinary citizen is allowed to do. Some of them might abuse it... that's human nature, and you should sue them to hold them accountable. I still rather have the cops then not have them at all, given the vast majority of arrests are justified.

Comment Re:Already Done Before (Score 1) 107

The Foveon sensor is not an HDR sensor. It simply does away with the bayer filter by having layers in the silicon so that different wavelength penetrate different depths, the amount of light received is still proportional to the amount of charge the photosite will contain after the exposure is over.... so this still suffers from the dynamic range problem of standard single-color-per-photosite sensors.

Comment Re:N900? (Score 1) 197

According to :

Snapdragon Platform. With the Snapdragon application processor core, dubbed Scorpion, is Qualcomm's own design. It has many features similar to those of the ARM Cortex-A8 core and it is based on the ARM v7 instruction set, but theoretically has much higher performance for multimedia-related SIMD operations.

Comment Re:Oh really? (Score 1) 973

I agree, it's not clear why some people spend a longer time incarcerated than others.

But then again, we're not really given all the information on a case by case basis. And should that information really be handed out to the public? Maybe it's sensitive information that could jeopardize the lives of people in a war zone?

I'm all for more transparency and accountability. But I also realize that security agencies require a certain leeway to do their jobs.

Many liberals would try to scare you with 1984-esq stories, have you believe that disgruntled government employees will throw you to jail if you let this go on and out of control... they actively blame people like me for killing the fourth amendment.

The scare stories all collapses in the face of common sense.

I'll be the first one to march the streets if they throw a normative US citizen into Guantanamo without any reason... but so far, they seem to only do that with people which they have grounds to suspect that are involved in terrorism.

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