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Comment Re:I'll take this one and its simple (Score 1) 374

This is such a non-issue. Who owns the family car in a divorce (assume they only have one)?

This isn't Solomon level decision making here, they don't cut the fucker in half. They figure out what the car is worth and they give half of that to the person that doesn't get the car.

Comment Re:Cause, or effect? (Score 1) 324

Could it also be related to poorer parents working more hours, thus having less time to be with the kids during their early years playing with them, reading for them and otherwise stimulating their brain development? Or has that been corrected for?

Why would it need to be corrected for? If its was caused by Poverty then it SUPPORTS THE CONCLUSION.

How did people become so poor at basic science on this site?

Comment Re:what will be more interesting (Score 1) 662

Large segments of society are not on board with the PC, wimpy, constantly-whining-about-bullying-and-____ism that is pervasive in media, especially an institution like BBC. Clarkson is a figure who pushes back at that trend, and many see him as a hero (now perhaps a martyr) for it

Careful, your persecution complex is showing. The guy was fired for physically assaulting someone. Assault is not considered free speech in any jurisdiction.

Comment Re:Common sense (Score 1) 496

True, some ways of eating well are easier than others, though.

Personally, I have had some success recently by simply going with healthier starches. I could probably eat a pound of potatoes in a sitting, my body just loves that stuff, so for weeknight meals we do things like barley instead. Sub black or brown rice for white rice, etc...

Comment Re:Containment (Score 1) 216

I think if you want to support ISIS and fundamentalist Islam in a Western country, you should be given a one-way ticket to the Islamic country of your choice.

I do not agree with what you say. Not only will I not defend your right to say it, but I will try to get you deported. --definitely not Voltaire

I'm guessing you live in "The Land of the Free."

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
