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Comment Re:They're fools if they're not behind 7 proxies (Score 1) 267

you can argue that case, at least if the channel is dedicated to that one cause. but intent is thought, not action. are we prosecuting people for their thoughts? anybody can join an IRC channel, presuming it's not keyed or invite-only, and anybody could even be accidentally made an operator. that's probably not likely, but just because someone is an operator somewhere doesn't mean they condone something other people around them are doing.

should they make an active effort to stop them? I don't recall signing up to be a police officer.

Comment is this a joke? (Score 0) 890

everyone in this entire fucking article is a moron. a name cannot be "racist" or "anti-semitic," whatever that even means.

a "bigot" named this connection? how's that work? I thought they were still trying to figure who's responsible. I'd think that makes them the "bigot."

if you are shocked and harassed, perhaps you should grow the fuck up or kill yourself, because you're not fit for life.

the words are: Niggers and Jews, not N------ and J------.

Comment Re:Santa of course is not an effin elf. (Score 0) 223

not true. it's really only the death cap that is deadly. all Amanitas are toxic, but most of them can be taken safely, and Amanita muscaria will cause delirium, but as any fungus, it's a really tricky issue to judge dosage and get the desired effect. granted, Amanitas aren't "shrooms," though. I hate seeing people make that mistake. they are mushrooms, but shrooms in this context refer to psilocybin mushrooms.

Comment Re:Mods (Score 0) 205

to you and the guy replying to you above, it's Vo0, not v0o and not Voo. CPMA is not the same thing as CPM. CPM is the gameplay type in the aforementioned czm game. czm was never a top CPM player, and Vo0 is nowhere near as good in VQ3 or QL.

also, neither czm nor Vo0 work for QLTV.. I'm not sure where you got this. oh, and it would be debatable to say "Vo0 is not as good as he once was," whatever that means. it's not as if he was ever very good at VQ3, but at CPM? well, he's easily the best ever, with the possible exception of fox. perhaps active CPMers could beat him now, but after he played for a few hours, I doubt it.

Comment Re:Blizzard (Score 0) 149

really just sounds like standard TCP behavior. if your upstream is saturated then the downstream transfer rate is going to scale back a bit. this is a problem with TCP in general but his specific case is probably just a result of an unoptimized TCP stack. check out and all that for tips on how to improve things (to the grandparent if he reads this).

Comment Re:Keep em ignorant (Score 0) 517

right. I would have no problem with that. in that instance, information isn't hurting anyone. what's hurting [me, hypothetically] is what the jurors decide to do with that information, as well as the general jury selection and judicial processes.

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