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Comment Re:Worrying (Score 1) 150

I see no shortage of excellent candidates when I look out (of my basement window). But really, the idea could lead to the renaissance of an excellent tradition from the founders of democracy: Ostracism!

Comment Re:Erm... (Score 3, Insightful) 365

Of course they can. They can charge you whatever they want without giving any reason whatsoever. And you can take your shopping somewhere else. In the end, it probably won't be done on a large scale because people can compare prices on the internet rather easily.
I agree with you on your main point however: Philosophically, this sucks.

Comment Re:Legal Liability? (Score 1) 59

In the EU (not only in France), warranty is two years, AFAIK. That's what's bitten Apple. I'm not sure, however, that the warranty would cover this. The devices are still working, only 'a little bit too well'.
You'd probably say, and I would agree, that such a blatant security flatulence should cause the producer to take back and repair his device. The producer will probably disagree and then? A court of law... because of a WiFi router? Probably not going to happen, if not done by some consumer advocacy group.

Submission + - Legality Of ACTA In U.S. Questioned In Petition (techdirt.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Techdirt reports that a petition on the US Government's We the People website raises the question of whether ACTA is enforcable as an executive agreement — which allows the President to sign the agreement without getting approval — when it covers intellectual property, which is the mandate of Congress, and would require a vote before it becomes a treaty.

Slashdot has previously covered Senator Wyden questioning the constitutionality of ACTA before its signing last year; while the EU is said to be signing ACTA into force from today.

Comment Re:Outrage (Score 1) 230

Who cares if they know that MAC address X was at location Y?

If it's the MAC address of my smartphone, which I'm likely to carry around with me more or less all the time, I care a lot about who knows where that MAC address has been. While Googles rather idiotic behaviour just (may have) recorded, where said MAC address was at one point in time, the statement above is, in its broadness, quite a bit more than I would like to have to stomach.

It's not like there's a database linking MAC address to people.

yet. It's not like nobody could ever come up with that smart idea.

Comment Re:Earnest... (Score 0) 217

Dear US military!
Please be so kind as to include german speaking countries, especially Austria, in your oh so earnest puppet shows. I hope your sock puppets operate during normal US business hours which would mean I'll get a couple of great laughs with breakfast.
Thank you.
BTW: Why bother, just use Fox news and Google translate.

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