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Comment Re:Better stats (Score 1) 271

Better stats than the linked paper. But you are right - I thought only full rejections were counted, but it seems full or part rejections were, so the number for 2017 should indeed by 76. In any case, it is pretty obvious that 2016,2017 are different from 2010-2014 in the fraction rejected - even if this difference is tiny.

I used for the data for 2017.

Comment Re:They should have done it right the first time (Score 1) 268

How would that have helped? In a democratic society you can reverse whatever you want. Obama passed healthcare with a law, and that is on its way to being dismantled. It is only a question of how complicated it is to reverse the steps. Give congress and the president enough power, and they can ruin anything they want.

Comment Useless links (Score 4, Informative) 354

The slashdot link is really useless. Further rant: I really hate sites that highlight a word/organisation/site and then when you click on that link will show all articles on that subject in their own site (Looking at you, engadget! )That's what bloomberg seems to do.
Here's the original link
and the actual bulletin:


Comment Stop sending e-mails with link to update!!!!!! (Score 2) 113

How stupid can companies be? Stop sending e-mails with links to update, because scammers can do exactly the same!!!
By doing this again and again, companies are getting users used to clicking on e-mail links to update software, which I think
today is (one of?) the main vectors for malware (see DNC hack...). STOP IT! PLEASE!

Comment Re:Triggered, not caused (Score 2) 89

The energy could be released through a thousand small quakes, or a big one. Just like you can "trigger" the release
of the energy stored in a balloon with a pin or by slowly releasing the stored air.
Or that throwing stones just triggered the release of energy stored in glass walls that would have been released anyway on the way to

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Comment Re:2016 marks the end of Apple brand loyalty (Score 1) 361

I have the 12" macbook, and am quite happy. I think this is a step forward for apple, not backward. Apple always had non-standard connectors - thunderbolt, lightning, displayport, even magsafe (which is great). They were first to drop the floppy, and among the first to drop CD ROM. Thus, for a few years, it was really hard to get a good and fast hard drive that worked well with thunderbolt. Finally, they go with the standard!
It is true that for now you need adapters - USB 3.0 to C are quite cheap and small, but devices that are USB-C are starting to come out. It is really great to get to the office and just plug one cable in, for power, monitor, hard disk, etc. etc.

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