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Comment Re:no, it's easy (Score 1) 298

"'It's very difficult to say, 'I don't have your phone,' in any other way other than, 'I don't have your phone.'''

No, it's easy: "My neighbor steals phones all the time. Maybe you should try his house"

Why pick on your neighbor?

Find the address of a Sprint exec, claim he knows where their phone is, and it might actually get fixed.

Comment Re:Huh? (Score 1) 246

I have a good friend that got charged for drunk driving when a cop found her sleeping in her running car in the parking lot of a bar. The cop rolled up on her and asked what she was doing. She said she was too drunk to drive and didn't have anyone to come get her. It was 15 degrees out so she started the car and went to sleep. He immediately arrested her despite the fact that she never drove the car anywhere, simply putting the key in the ignition is apparently illegal. When they got back to the station she even blew bellow the legal limit, but she signed a statement describing what had happened which they then used as evidence against her in court and she lost. She spent the night in jail, paid a $1000 fine and lost her license for a year... for doing the right thing.

The other part to this is to understand the mentality of the cop.

Yes, he didn't catch her doing anything. His assumption, though, is that where there's smoke there's fire, that is, he assumes she probably does drive drunk habitually.

So say politicians write a shitty law and someone points out an absurd effect. Talking heads claim the cops and prosecutors won't enforce it that way, no reasonable person would read it to mean that.

Voters need to realize that LE have a very different perspective from most people. Two simple reasons: a. the desire to go into law enforcement requires a certain mentality, and b. they deal with criminals (often career criminals) on a daily basis.

Comment Re:I understand (Score 1) 589

"Ars is where you go for quality "news for nerds, stuff that matters", with good editorial insight, and much, much higher quality conversation."

Please, 90% of the commenters (and roughly 60% of the article writers) are as fucking bad as YouTube commenters.

Ars' commentary was pretty good, but it seems to have decline pretty steeply over the past year or so.

I thought most of the writers are still quite good, though.

Comment Re:He Is Free Now (Score 1) 589

balderdash. A person should absolutely be free to live or free to choose to die.

They are free, that's free will, it's stil wrong to do it.

Remember that "morals" are something that you believe. Each person's are a little different, even within the same subculture.

You're confusing a personal code with morality. Your personal code is your best guess about what is right and wrong, cobbled together from your personal experiences.

It's no different from your personal understanding of how physics work vs. actual physics. I don't grasp 1% of relativity, but I still know gravity pulls things down, and that on earth things will accelerate at roughy 9.8 m/s^2. Similarly, I'm not a doctor, but I realize that releasing a dense object over someone's head will result in an impact that may fracture their skull and severely injure them if not kill them. And I have never had a skull fracture, but I can infer that it would be painful or fatal.

Thus, even with limited information, I know it's wrong to drop a bowling ball on someone's head. Different people might come to the same conclusion in different ways, but the fact that they will all come to roughly the same conclusion demonstrates that the underlying truths were always there whether or not some arrogant humans stumbled across them.

I certainly don't find anything immoral in killing oneself. You do. So for you, it would be immoral to kill yourself. For others, not so much. But don't try to pass off the definition of morality that your own ego holds as being some central morality that we all should subscribe to.

Okay, then kill yourself. Not dead yet? That's because you have a life to live, which has an inherent value. It's self-evident, and you've been basing decisions on that inherent value the whole time, not killing yourself obviously, but also trying to better yourself, provide an example to others, etc.

Comment Re:He Is Free Now (Score 1) 589

It was immoral and wrong for him to commit suicide.

Oh, have they made morality absolute now? That's gonna solve a whole bunch of problems!

"Morality is relative" is an absolute statement, which can't exist in a moral universe that contains no absolute statements about morality, ergo "morality is relative" is self-contradictory.

So we know that there exist some moral absolutes, then all the relative statements can be expressed as being relative to the absolutes, and thus you can derive absolutes from them. It requires intellectual effort, and that's your real problem with it.

Comment Re:He Is Free Now (Score 1) 589

It was immoral and wrong for him to commit suicide.

Is depression now a choice?

Reading comprehension time:

It's possible he was depressed enough that he didn't make a choice, in which case the discussion is moot...

Comment Re:About the defense budget. (Score 3, Funny) 191

The USA can't afford $471?

Forget Lockheed-Martin, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, etc. I found it on Amazon!


What the hell is this? A death star for ants? How can we be expected to deploy storm troopers to destroy planets... if they can't even fit inside the building?

I don't want to hear your excuses! It will have to be... at least three times as big.

Comment I find your blatant hypocrisy disturbing (Score 2, Insightful) 191

It's no worse than the President ending speeches with "God bless America", or opening sessions of Congress with group prayer, ...

.. which the Democrats do because they can't win elections without paying lip service to Christianity. That's why, for example, Nancy Pelosi calls herself a "good Catholic girl" even though she supports legalizing late term abortion, and it's why liberals like Bill Maher know that Obama is probably a "secular humanist" despite his various protestations that he's Christian. (Of a church that he attended for 20 years without, apparently, hearing any sermons or discussing them, etc.)

There is, for liberals, no higher principle than holding elected office. And their constituents are quite happy to be lied to and go along with the charade.

Comment Re:Well, now (Score 1) 191

"The Administration does not support blowing up planets"

Unless, of course, said planet was populated with opponents of Israel and/or in a position to disrupt status quo in hydrocarbon trade and acquisition.
Or tried to kill my daddy.

Who tried to kill Obama's father? Oh wait, you are so desperate to deflect for Obama that you need to keep going back to the previous president

In fairness, the GP was also ready to blame it on Jews.

Comment Re:Only $850 Quadrillion (Score 2, Funny) 191

But think of it as stimulus!

You can always inflate your way out of debt - or else blow your creditors to smithereens!

The current serious proposal being debated in Washington is to mint a trillion dollar platinum coin. You'd need a whole Senate of Christine O'Donnel's to come up with something crazier and dumber than that.

"Cut spending." "You're fucking insane! We'll descend into anarchy! Racist!"


"Mint a trillion dollar platinum coin." "That may sound crazy, but let's seriously consider this proposal."

Comment Re:He Is Free Now (Score 1) 589

It's possible he was depressed enough that he didn't make a choice, in which case the discussion is moot, so I'll assume he was culpable or at least largely culpable.

He chose to take his own life. It was his decision. I don't agree with it, and I don't endorse it as a reasonable choice, but it was his decision.

You lack the vocabulary to even describe this.

It was immoral and wrong for him to commit suicide. It's immoral simply because human life is not an expendable asset that you can manufacture or dispose of at will, and that includes yours. There are quite a few nations on this planet right now where the authorities believe they can, and they are a nightmare to live in.

That doesn't mean we can make laws against it, after all, we can't exactly make you any deader than you already are. The best people can do is point out that it's wrong, explain why, but it's naturally up to that person to make the decision. That you have the capacity to do a great evil is what makes your free will a significant thing.

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