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Comment Re:The cycle continues. (Score 1) 234

Boom/bust cycles aren't caused by deregulation.

Boom/Bust cycles are caused by central banks.

We have not had honest deregulation in my lifetime. We have a method of central banking and central state management called "deregulation" where the powers that be create new laws, loopholes and restrictions for old businesses and hand control over to their buddies running new businesses, and they label it "degulation".

I've always profited from the boom-bust cycle for 30 years because it's so obvious, and because the economists I studied in my teen years (The Austrian School) have written about it for almost 100 years. It's so easy to watch these cycles happen based SOLELY on central bank policy.

Comment Re:Politicians and the Government (Score 1) 93

When government does something, infrastructure rots.

I own a few small homes, some as small as trailer park size, 100% of them are on private streets. None of my streets have potholes. NONE.

The neighboring streets are city streets. 100%. All of them have massive potholes.

The whole point of government is to tax the stupid so the rich can make off with it.

Comment Re:Politicians and the Government (Score 1) 93

"Deregulation" has never happened in America. Ever. When you voters support it, it really means "take 10,000 pages of regulation, and add 2000 pages more on top of it, and call it deregulation."

When I say shred pages of law, I mean SHRED THEM. Just evacuate them completely. Yes, it can be done.

It's never the lack of regulations that makes markets suffer, it's the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of pages of law that force only powerful folks with powerful lobbyists to enter a market.

The most corrupt can circlejerk away with taxpayer dollars, blocking the millions of small start-ups from ever competing.

Comment Re:Politicians and the Government (Score 1, Interesting) 93

The "fucking answer" is: remove all the decades of excessive loopholes you dumb fuck voters supported.

I'm not saying "deregulate" because that just means regulate for a new loophole crony. I'm saying destroy the bureaucratic loopholes by REMOVING THEM.

I want to opt-out of paying for all this shit you moron voters support every day.

Comment This is a fractional reserve banking issue... (Score -1, Troll) 111

Celsius Network borrows your crypto, to loan to others, to pay you interest and make a profit for themselves.

If they took your 5 creimercoins and you could not touch your balance until it was paid back (like Prosper does!), this issue wouldn't happen.

But they didn't do that.

They let you deposit funds to earn interest, then they loan those funds out to someone else, but you can still withdraw your funds at any time?

Fractional Reserve Lending is the problem.

It also happens with government-currency loans.

Comment I like it (Web 2 + Web 3 = Web 5) (Score 1) 65

I dream of the days we could go back to self hosted blogs with ping backs. Web 2. DNS was too centralized tho.

I like Web 3 for verification, but itâ(TM)s way too centralized.

So let me host YOUR data on MY private key. If I donâ(TM)t know what youâ(TM)re asking me to pay to host, I will reject you. Tell me what Iâ(TM)m hosting, and Iâ(TM)ll allow it.

Comment Re:This outta drive a few nails into the cloud cof (Score -1, Offtopic) 29

Russia is one of the bad guys.

Pretty much everyone attacking Russia seems to be equally bad; assuming you can look at historical data with a neutral eye.

I don't really care what "The Allies" do to "The Enemy" -- the middle class taxpayers will be the ones footing the bill for 80-100 years.

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