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Comment Re:an unexpected benefit (Score 2) 636

Yeah, nobody ever complains about companies having a preponderance of males.

I was intending to do that thing where you hyperlink each word in a phrase to a different article supporting that phrase, but I couldn't be bothered, and frankly, it's unnecessary unless you're being deliberately ignorant.

Comment Economic malthusianism (Score 2, Insightful) 917

People have been spouting this prophecy for more than 300 years, and its never come true. Despite incredible technological advancement, more people are employed now than in any point in history. Some people mightl lose out in the short term, but in the long term, the number of jobs only grows.

A basic income may or may not be a good idea - I know in Australia, that the cost of the bureaucracy attached to our welfare system means that replacing it with a basic income (or better, negative income tax) is actually cheaper for the state. I don't know if the same is true in the US, bu t I wouldn't be surprised if it is.

Comment Re:Proof her perf evaluations weren't fair (Score 1) 566

I'd be more worried about Clinton starting wars, honestly.

Trump is, at heart, an isolationist. If he had his way (which he won't, even if he's elected president) he'd build a big wall around America, and tell the rest of the world to fuck off. Clinton's all about international diplomacy and imperial aspirations, and those are much more likely to use warfare as a tool.

I mean, isolationism is stupid, and comes with some pretty big problems, but starting wars generally isn't one of them.

Comment Re:Good technology verssus bad economic models (Score 1) 34

While what you say is true, it doesn't necessarily apply to bittorrent.

Bittorrent is a protocol for transferring data. Whether you use it to transfer data to paying clients or to the whole world is largely independent from the protocol. All you'd need is an additional bit of authentication on the tracker to restrict connections to those which have paid you money (which may require a custom client) - but the underlying protocol wouldn't care one bit, either way.

Now granted, that's not any sort of guarantee that the data won't be shared - once the data's on the recipients PC, they could re-upload it elsewhere, or start an unrestricted torrent to share that data - but the same issue is present with HTTP, FTP, and any other data transfer protocol. There's nothing inherently open about bittorrent. It does require that the data shared be identical, which precludes watermarking.

Comment Re: Too much bias ... (Score 4, Insightful) 181

No, editorial review is what would inttoduce bias. They're not journalists, and they're not really activists, except in the narrow realm of information trandparency - they're a data source. Sure, there's a lot of noise with the signal, but thats why other organisations that *are* journalists filter through it and provide editorialised opinions on it.

Don't make wikileaks into something its not - we need an open data dump more than we need someone selectively picking the facts that support their position and rolling them up into an article. We've already got plenty of those.

Comment Re:Perfect. Do it now. (Score 1) 254

The forums list in its guidelines a set of banned topics, including Westboro Baptist Church, homosexuality, transgender people, spanking children and male circumcision. That's probably the most ban-happy place I've frequented, but there's plenty of others.

I was banned from Facebook for three days, for mentioning "Ten Little Niggers", in a thread about old books that had their title changed for political correctness.

Comment Re:Perfect. Do it now. (Score 4, Insightful) 254

People behave like assholes on 4chan to drive away the overly-sensitive. Many are refugees from other forums, where you get banned for diverging from the groupthink/using the wrong pronoun/supporting the wrong presidential candidate. They created an environment where people who complain about their feelings getting hurt by words on the internet get laughed out the door. Personally, I find its honest abrasiveness more refreshing than the passive-aggressive politeness of other forums.

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