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Comment Re:Hydro (Score 1) 153

What makes solar panels a particularly strategic industry? It's nothing like oil, where a loss of imports results in an immediate shortage of energy supply. Panel manufacturing isn't as high-tech as airliners or microchips, we could ramp it up if needed. Converting to clean energy is more important. If China wants to subsidize and accelerate that conversion globally, why not let them?

Comment Re:slowing growth in fossil fuels (Score 2) 153

They'll trade in their Prius for a Model X though. CO2 payback should occur in 2055 if they also install an acre of new solar in their yard and don't need to replace the battery before then.

Your calculation assumes the Prius is going into a junkyard instead of to its next owner, which isn't true.

Comment Re:Isn't life grand? (Score 4, Informative) 105

The cost/benefit analysis is not so simple, since the costs avoided by preventing a crash are huge. How many sensor bumpers can you pay for with the savings of avoiding a million-dollar personal injury lawsuit? Yet those savings do not factor in to a "cost to repair" figure.

Of course the cost/benefit would also vary wildly from one "doodad" to another, so there is no answer 'in general.'

Comment Re:This is just embarrassing (Score 1) 40

"The hard part is it requires nerves of steel because you will be up 100,000 one day and down 200,000 the next day and up $120,000 a day after that. The point is it's all doable mathematically. "

That's what's wrong with this article. They evaluate the model on its accuracy, or lack thereof, on a single race. That doesn't work

Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't expect anything GPT-like to outperform a more simple statistical model on sports gambling. Still, this article doesn't make a lot of sense.

What a language model might be good for here is populating the statistical model, like collecting facts on the different players current injuries from news stories.

Comment Re:Good? (Score 5, Insightful) 204

I always took these kinds of things as a bit of a joke myself. They can't overthrow the government. But historically what does make paramilitaries forces (more specifically, pro-government militias) potent is being tolerated / allowed / tacitly encouraged by the government - when such groups or more are less in line with the ruling party and allowed to do its "dirty work" that is illegal for the regular police and army. (Yes this is in the presence of some degree of law and order... after all, the ruling party doesn't have to do anything but look the other way).

This has happened all around the world lots of times (yes including but by no means exclusively the Brownshirts) and yes I do think Trump would welcome such support, based on his past actions and statements so far. And yes I do think he would fire the head of the FBI to protect this type of activity, since he already did that to protect himself once.

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