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Comment Re:God I hope we never have to go through that aga (Score -1, Troll) 980

Sounds about right and Biden is and will be a leftist 'pretend' catholic who takes the country down a road to deeper immorality then Trump could ever have imagined! Encouraging the rape and degradation of women and sex slavery by promoting with gender politics ( already on display as in the house you are not to use the word mother , father etc.) The destruction of anything authentically moral or religious in the name of progress and he has already signaled he will treat anyone who disagrees with him the same way Trump did. He just plans to do it with a smile on CNN while telling the people he is jailing, and burning for disagreeing with his religion how he is helping them be unified.

Comment Re:God I hope we never have to go through that aga (Score 0) 980

As if, People image Biden has more character. Yet he professes a Christian faith that declares "All acts of homosexuals' sex are intrinsically disordered" then puts a transman as second in command for health. He professes a faith where it has been 'infallibly defined that life begins at conception' yet supports the legal destruction of what he claims are human beings because .. i never did understand why.
Make no mistake, Trump was and is a totalitarian con-man , Joe Biden is twice as bad ! At least Trumps lies were stupid and easy to see through and he hand the media against him, Biden's lies will come with full sanction of the 'truth brigade' which will give him twice the power to act as dictator and chief then trump every had or used.

Comment Let me have it ! (Score 1) 117

IF it can be recharged in 10 min and IF it can travel 250 miles on a charge, that is "Nearly" as good as gasoline, I'd say it usually take about 3 min to refill my car but kids always want to go the bathroom etc so that is not unacceptable. It is specifically the restriction of not being able to drive and visit my family that has kept me out of the electric car market. Couple more questions?
Will it come with a minivan and cost about the same?
When do I expect to see it? ( I

Comment Re:Fail (Score 1) 99

Like education can save anyone? It is utterly naive to think 'enough education' will make a better world. It smacks of the same kind of 'positive progressivism' that Walt Disney was famous for but that has been all but totally discredited by WWII and communism. Even if every person in the world was equally educated to a high degree there would still be significant disagreement about what was ethical and moral. There is no human science that can discovery and prove morality so no amount of 'education' is going to solve that problem unless what you really mean is brutally beating people until they all agree with the dictates of a powerful central morality pronouncer.

Comment Re:Good.. Bad .. or Ugly. (Score 1) 57

I agree it should be a matter of choice, and I don't 'in theory' have a problem if 'some' places are union shop , however that is not the way it works for unions, they take over whole sectors, they do so purposfully. Example, you are not able to teach at almost any school unless you are a member of the teachers union.

Comment *meh* (Score 2) 297

I think what apple , Google and Facebook did is 'probably' acceptable, although it proves they should not have section 230 protection.
I think what Amazon did should be illegal, because they provide infrastructure and have no more business decided what is done with their problem then someone providing sugar to bakeries should have in deciding which cakes are made.

Comment Re:This is downright un-American (Score 1) 297

problem is if the company is too big it is providing infrastructure, still I support their right to do what they want until someone passes some useful laws defining what that is and how it should look , so that all competitors are on the same field.

Is it ok with you if GE builds a kill switch into their fuse boxes then decides who is worthy to use them later based on political speech?

I'm ok if laws being applied equally but then don't be complaining when a private company ( or church) refuses to sell someone a cake or let women in men's bathrooms. I

Comment Re:Free market, bitches! (Score -1, Flamebait) 297

I would if I could , till then you are stuck with me. I would gladly gather together a large selection of people move to a designated area ( someplace remote is fine so long as you can reasonably survive, Texas, North Dakota), etc. then succeed from the nation and peacefully live separated from all the left wing nut jobs). Help me figure out how to set that up and we are in business. I have no more desire to share the country with you as you do with me , so our options are 'continue to pummel each other publicly socially, economically eventually physically until one group is destroyed ( this will make for a painful next century I suspect) or separate. I'd prefer to separate the kill a bunch of people. What about you , how can we make it happen.

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