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Comment Re:Spineless (Score 1) 79

Is it worse for a muslim to be in a Chinese labour camp, or drone striked by America? Or put into an American privatised prison for slave labour because Madame Vice President deliberately withheld evidence proving your innocence? Or because President Girl-Sniffer passed a law to put more 'rape apes' in prison to pander to his segregationist friends?

Comment Re:Because China doesn't want to send foreigners c (Score 1) 79

China doesn't care what lazy senile burger munchers like Trump think, they plan over the span of decades, the West only thinks about the next quarter. Having overgrown toddlers in the Whitehouse wrecking their own country only helps China in their goal of global supremacy.

Comment Re:No More Crypto! (Score 1) 86

While at home, you convert say $1,000 from your funds in to Bitcoin.
You find someone who trades in Bitcoin and arrange a price to "buy" UK Sterling from them
If you operate like this, there is no agent, no middle man, no multinational bank taking a fat cut from the deal.

Come again? How do you get your money into and out of bitcoin without using middle men? And if you think about it, the entire blockchain is one giant middle man.

Comment Re:EU Definition of Innovation = "Nerf Competition (Score 1) 54

The answer is simple, if Google etc. get screwed by the EU over some imagined, arbitrary tax/fine/regulation/whatever then simply turn off all your offered services in the EU.

Then Europe replaces them with its own home-grown companies which can they compete with the US tech companies globally. That's what China did: kept out the yanks, built their own giants, and now those giants are making moves elsewhere. Allowing US tech companies into your country is a losing move.

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